School of Computing Students Runner Up in 2017 Internet of Thing (Hackaton Republic of IoT)

School of Computing Students Runner Up in 2017 Internet of Thing (Hackaton Republic of IoT)

Team Deadliner of Telkom University students consisting of Irham Fauzan, Moch. Faisal Indra Oktaviandi, and Musa Abdul Aziz succeeded in winning 2nd place in the Republic of the Internet of Things (RioT) Hackaton 2017. The event which took place at Bandung Digital Valley on Sunday (08/27/2017) succeeded in eliminating 30 other teams from all over Indonesia.

The Smart P-Man project that they managed to realize in this competition successfully competed in the smart living category, which is one of the categories of 14 categories contested.

Smart P-Man is a smart Internet-based power management that can save electricity as a substitute for conventional kWh meters.

“Smart P-Man is a replacement fuse that can control and monitor power in a place such as a home through a mobile/mobile application,” said Fauzan, a member of Team Deadliner.”

Furthermore, Fauzan said that the Smart P-Man project would be further developed to meet user needs.

“In the future, the Smart P-Man project will be developed to be able to shut down the system directly through a button on a mobile phone,” Fauzan said.

The Republic of Internet of Things (RioT) 2017 is an event initiated by the Ministry of Communication and Information together with Makestro IoT activists from Indonesia and MyloTC from Malaysia. RioT 2017 carries the Smart Nations theme with 14 race categories namely agriculture, defense and security, transportation, nature, health, education, smart city, smart living, sports, maritime, engagement, accessibility, fintech and e-commerce, and industrial IoT.