NoNamaKelompok KeilmuanKompetensi/Keahlian Khusus/Research InterestKet
1AAZ MUHAMMAD HAFIDZ AZIS, S.T., M.T.Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL)Pengenalan SuaraDetail
2ABDULLAH HANIFAN, S.Kom., M.Kom.Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI)Cryptography; IoT; Artificial IntelligenceDetail
3ABDULLAH ISKANDAR, S.ST., M.Eng.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Organic Synthesis; Drug DesignDetail
4ACHMAD LUKMAN, S.T., M.Cs., Ph.D.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Computer Graphic and MultimediaDetail
5Dr. ADE ROMADHONY, S.T.,M.T.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)information extraction; natural language processing; machine learningDetail
6Dr. ADITYA FIRMAN IHSAN, S.Si., M.Si.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Dynamical System; Deep Learning; Nonlinear AnalysisDetail
7Prof. Dr. ADIWIJAYA, S.Si., M.SiData Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Data ScienceDetail
8AGUNG TOTO WIBOWO, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Recommender Systems; Matrix and Tensor Factorization; Machine Learning; Swarm IntellgenceDetail
9Dr. AJI GAUTAMA PUTRADA, S.T.,M.T.Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI)Computer Network; Internet of Things; Smart LightingDetail
10ANDITYA ARIFIANTO, S.T.,M.T.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; Deep Learning; Convolutional Neural NetworkDetail
11ANDRI QIANTORI, S.T., M.M.,Ph.D.Digital; Social; Media; Analytics; AutonomousDetail
12ANDRIAN RAKHMATSYAH, S.T., M.T.Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI)Embedded System; Internet of things; Intelligent SystemDetail
13ANDY MAULANA YUSUF, S.Kom., M.Kom.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Socio InformaticsDetail
14Assoc. Prof. ANGELINA PRIMA KURNIATI, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)data science; data mining; information system; process miningDetail
15ANIQ ATIQI ROHMAWATI, S.Si., M.Si.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Stochastics Modelling; Analysis Time Series; Quantitative RiskDetail
16ANISA HERDIANI, S.T., M.T.Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL)knowledge management; big data; ontology; learning technologyDetail
17ANNISA ADITSANIA, S.Si., M.Si.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Optimization and ControlDetail
18Dr. ANUNG ASMORO, S.T.,M.T.Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL)telecommunication; startup; egovernment; software engineeringDetail
19Dr. ARFIVE GANDHI, S.T., M.T.I.Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL)Software Engineering; User Experience; Project Management; e-Learning; Information SecurityDetail
20Prof. Ir. ARI MOESRIAMI BARMAWI, M.Sc., Ph.D.Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI)linguistic and image steganography; cryptography; Artificial IntelligenceDetail
21Dr. ARIE ARDIYANTI SURYANI, S.T.,M.T.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)natural language processing; mesin penerjemahDetail
22ARIO HARRY PRAYOGO, S.Kom., M.Kom.Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL)Computer Science; Software EngineeringDetail
23ARISTYO HADIKUSUMA, S.ST., M.T.Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL)information teknology; big data; data science and project managemeDetail
24Dr. ARNIDA LAILATUL LATIFAH, S.Si., M.SCData Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Mathematical modeling; Computational Sciences; Climate simulationsDetail
25Dr. ATI SUCI DIAN MARTHA, S.Kom., M.T.Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL)Software Engineering; Personalized Learning; Online Learning; Human-Computer InteractionDetail
26AULIA ARIF WARDANA, S.Kom., M.T.Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI)Cybersecurity Mesh; Consensus Algorithm; Distributed Ledger; Intrusion Detection; Computer NetworkDetail
27AZKA KHOIRUNNISA, S.Si.Kom., M.Kom.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)data science; informaticsDetail
28BAMBANG ARI WAHYUDI, S.Kom., M.T.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)KriptografiDetail
29BAMBANG SUBENO, S.T., M.Kom.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Detail
30Assoc. Prof. Dr. BAYU ERFIANTO, S.Si., M.Sc.Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI)Sensor Data Fusion; Cyber-Physical System; Internet of Things; Embedded RoboticsDetail
31BEDY PURNAMA, S.Si., M.T., Ph.D.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Computer Vision; Image Processing; Machine Learning; BioinfomaticsDetail
32BUNYAMIN, M.Kom.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Detail
33DADANG SETIAWAN, S.T., M.Sc.Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL)Software Engineering; Information Architecture; Machine LearningDetail
34Assoc. Prof. DADE NURJANAH, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL)Adaptive learning; user modeling; CSCW; social computingDetail
35Assoc. Prof. DANA SULISTYO KUSUMO, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL)Detail
36DANANG JUNAEDI, S.T., M.T.Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL)Software Engineering; Decision Support System; Human-Computer InteractionDetail
37DANANG TRIANTORO MURDIANSYAH, S.Si., M.TData Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Data Mining; Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; Graph TheoryDetail
38DAWAM DWI JATMIKO SUWAWI, S.T., M.T.Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL)Software Engineering; E-learning; Information SystemDetail
39Drs. DEDE ROHIDIN, M.T., Ph.D.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)soft computing and dataminingDetail
40DEDE TARWIDI, S.Si., M.Si., M.Sc.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Water Wave; Numerical Model; Submarine Landslide; Machine Learning; Artificial Neural NetworkDetail
41Dr. DENI SAEPUDIN, S.Si., M. Si.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Mathematical modeling; Computational Finance; OptimizationDetail
42Assoc. Prof. Dr. DIDIT ADYTIA, S.Si., M. Si.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Wave Forecasting; Variational Method; Numerical Simulation; Machine Learning; Data ScienceDetail
43DITA OKTARIA, S.Kom., M.T.Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI)information technology; smart city; information securityDetail
44Dr. DIYAS PUSPANDARI, S.S., M.Pd.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)applied linguisticDetail
45DODI WISAKSONO SUDIHARTO, S.T., M.Kom.Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI)TelematicsDetail
46Dr. DODY QORI UTAMA, S.T.,M.T.Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL)Biomedical EngineeringDetail
47DONNI RICHASDY, S.T., M.T.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Conversational AI; Natural Language Processing; Data Engineering; Software Engineering; Project ManagementDetail
48EDWARD FERDIAN, S.T., B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Detail
49EKO DARWIYANTO, S.T., M.T.Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL)Informatics; Software Engineering; Information SystemDetail
50Dr. EMA RACHMAWATI, S.T., M.T.Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL)image understanding; object recognition; machine learning; computer visionDetail
51ENDRO ARIYANTO, S.T., M.T.Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI)Computer system; Internet of ThingsDetail
52ERWID MUSTHOFA JADIED, S.T., M.T.Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI)Detail
53Assoc. Prof. Dr. ERWIN BUDI SETIAWAN, S.Si., M.T.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Machine Learning; Social Media Analysis; People Analytics; Modelling and SimulationDetail
54FADIL AL AFGANI, S.Kom.,M.Kom.Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL)software engineering; machine learning; knowledge graphDetail
55Dr. FARAH AFIANTI, S.T., M.T.Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI)cryptography; WSN; security; IoT BlockchainDetail
56Dr. FARISYA SETIADI, S.T., M.T.I.Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI)IT Strategic Management; Digital Transformation; SPBE; Cyber Security; IT Risk ManagementDetail
57Dr. FAZMAH ARIF YULIANTO, S.T., M.T.Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI)Computer Networking; Cyber-Physical SystemsDetail
58FEBRI DAWANI, S.T., M.T.Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI)Informatics; Computing; Network; Internet of ThingsDetail
59FEBRYANTI STHEVANIE, S.T., M.T.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Image Processing; pattern recognition; object detection; computer vision; biometricDetail
60FEDDY DEA RESKYADITA, S.T., M.Kom.Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL)UI/UX; Data Science; Software EngineeringDetail
61FHIRA NHITA, S.T., M.T.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Data Mining; Artificial IntelligenceDetail
62Dr. FITRIYANI, S.Si., M.T.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Detail
63FLORITA DIANA SARI, S.S., M. Pd.Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL)Applied linguistics; TESOL; cognitive scienceDetail
64Dr. GAMMA KOSALA, S.Si.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Computer Vision; Machine Learning; Artificial IntelligenceDetail
65GEDE AGUNG ARY WISUDIAWAN, S.Kom., M.T.Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL)Process Mining; Data Engineering; Software Engineering; Information System; information qualityDetail
66GIA SEPTIANA WULANDARI, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D.Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL)Graph Transformations; Semantics and Reasoning; Formal Verifications; Logics OptimizationDetail
67HANI NURRAHMI, S.Kom., M.Kom.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Social Computing Text MiningDetail
68HASMAWATI, S.Kom., M.Kom.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)text mining; natural language processing; machine learningDetail
69HENDY IRAWAN, S.T., M.T.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Artificial Intelligence; Big Data; Machine Learning; Deep Learning; Natural Language ProcessingDetail
70Assoc. Prof. HILAL HUDAN NUHA, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI)Detail
71Dr. HILDA FAHLENA, S.Si., M.Si.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Biomath; Mathematics Modeling; Dynamics SystemDetail
72I GEDE MANGGALA PUTRA, S.Kom., M.Kom.Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL)Data ScienceDetail
73I WAYAN PALTON ANUWIKSA, S.Si., M.Si.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Detail
74IBNU ASROR, S.T., M.T.Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI)Data mining; Machine LearningDetail
75IKKE DIAN OKTAVIANI, S.Kom., M.Kom.Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI)School of ComputingDetail
76Dr. IMELDA ATASTINA, S.Si., M.T.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Data Mining; Big Data AnalyticsDetail
77INDRA LUKMANA SARDI, S.T., M.T.Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL)Information System; Enterprise Architecture; UI/UX; Human Computer InteractionDetail
78Dra. INDWIARTI, M.SiData Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)probability and statistics; data analysis; data miningDetail
79IRMA PALUPI, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Detail
80ISA MULIA INSAN, S.Kom.,M.Kom.Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL)Internet of ThingsDetail
81Assoc. Prof. ISMAN KURNIAWAN, S.Pd., M.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Data Science; Chemoinformatics; Machine Learning; Computational Chemistry; Modeling and SimulationDetail
82IZZATUL UMMAH, S.T.,M.T.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Data science; machine learningDetail
83JATI HILIAMSYAH HUSEN, S.T., M.Eng.Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL)requirements engineering; game development; software engineeringDetail
84JIMMY TIRTAWANGSA, Ph.DSoftware Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL)Detail
85Drs. JONDRI, M.SiData Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Machine LearningDetail
86Dr. KEMAS MUSLIM LHAKSMANA, S.T., M.ISD.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Services Computing; Text ClassificationDetail
87Assoc. Prof. KEMAS RAHMAT SALEH WIHARJA, S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Knowledge Representation and Reasoning; Graph Machine Learning; Data ScienceDetail
88KURNIAWAN NUR RAMADHANI, S.T.,M.T.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; Computer Vision; Design and Analysis of Algorithm; Multimedia ProcessingDetail
89Dr. KUSUMA ADI ACHMAD, S.Kom., M.T.Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI)Enterprise Architecture; IT Governance; Digital Government; Smart City; Recommender SystemDetail
90Dr. KUSUMA AYU LAKSITOWENING, S.T.,M.T.Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL)e-Learning; Learning Analytics; Personalized Learning; Educational Software EngineeringDetail
91LAZUARDY SYAHRUL DARFIANSAData Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Computing Education; Machine Learning; Technology Enhanced LearningDetail
92LIDYA NINGSIH, S.T.,M.Kom.Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL)Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; Deep Learning; Image ProcessingDetail
93MAHENDRA DWIFEBRI PURBOLAKSONO, S.Kom., M.Kom.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Data Mining; Text MiningDetail
94Dr. MAHMUD DWI SULISTIYO, S.T., M.T.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Computer Vision; Machine Learning; Pattern Recognition; Intelligent SystemsDetail
95Drs. MAHMUD IMRONA, M.T.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Intelligent Transportation SystemsDetail
96Prof. Dr. MAMAN ABDUROHMAN, S.T.,M.T.Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI)Internet of Things; Cyber Physical SystemDetail
97Dr. MIRA KANIA SABARIAH, S.T.,M.T.Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL)Software Engineering; Human-Computer Interaction; Data MiningDetail
98Dr. Ir. MOCH. ARIF BIJAKSANA, M.Tech.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Computational LinguisticsDetail
99MONTERICO ADRIAN, S.T., M.TSoftware Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL)Programming; Mobile Technology; System Architecture; System PerformanceDetail
100MUHAMAD IRSAN, S.T., M.Kom., Ph.D.Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI)IoT; Machine Learning; Database System; IT Security; deep learningDetail
101MUHAMMAD AL MAKKY, S.Kom., M.T.Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI)Enterprise Architecture; IT Governance; Distributed and Parallel SystemDetail
102MUHAMMAD ARIEF NUGROHO, S.T.,M.T.Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI)Computer Networks; Software-Defined Networks; Cloud ComputingDetail
103MUHAMMAD ARZAKI, S.Si., M.Kom.Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL)Detail
104MUHAMMAD FARIS FATHONI, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI)Real-time Systems; Virtualization; Modeling & Simulations; Airborne Software; Cyber-Physical SystemsDetail
105Dr. Eng. MUHAMMAD FIRDAUS, S.ST., M.T.Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI)Detail
106NIKEN DWI WAHYU CAHYANI, S.T., M.Kom, Ph.D.Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI)digital forensics; security systemDetail
107NOVIAN ANGGIS SUWASTIKA, S.T., M.TCommunication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI)Technology Readiness; Technology Adoption; Education Technology; IoTDetail
108NUNGKI SELVIANDRO, S.Kom., M.Kom., Ph.D.Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL)System Assurance; Model-Driven Engineering; Autonomous Systems; Assurance CasesDetail
109NUR GHANIAVIYANTO RAMAHDHAN, S.Kom., M.Kom.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Data Science; Information Extraction; Machine LearningDetail
110NURJAYANTI, S.T., M.Kom.Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL)Software Engineering; Data EngineeringDetail
111NURUL IKHSAN, S. Si., M.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Computational Science; Material Science; Parallel ComputingDetail
112PARMAN SUKARNO, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D.Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI)Cybersecurity; Digital InnovationDetail
113PRASTI EKO YUNANTO, S.T., M.Kom.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Biometrics; System Recognition; Pattern Recognition; Computer VisionDetail
114PRATI HUTARI GANI, S.T.,M.T.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Data Engineering; Sentiment Analysis; Social Media Analysis; Big Data Data ScienceDetail
115Assoc. Prof. Dr. PUTU HARRY GUNAWAN, S.Si., M.Si., M.Sc.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Applied mathematics; Numerical method; Machine LearningDetail
116RAHMAT YASIRANDI, S.T.,M.T.Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI)IS/IT; Innovation Adoption; Customer Satisfaction; User AcceptanceDetail
117RAMANTI DHARAYANI S.T., M.T.I.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Big Data Analytics; Data Management; Business Intelligence; Healthcare; BioinformaticsDetail
118Dr. RIAN FEBRIAN UMBARA, S.Si., M.SiData Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Data Science; Mathematics; Graph TheoryDetail
119Dr. RIFKI WIJAYA, S.Si., M.T.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Data Science; Artificial Intelligence; Biomedical Engineering; Big Data; IoTDetail
120RIMBA WHIDIANA CIPTASARI, S.Si., M.T., Ph.D.Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI)Multimedia authentication and forensicsDetail
121RIO GUNTUR UTOMO, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI)Information Assurance; Information Security; Cyber Security; E-Government; IT AdoptionDetail
122RIO NURTANTYANA, S.Pd., M.Pd., M.Sc., Ph.D.Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI)IoT; Android; Web; Augmented Reality; EducationDetail
123RISNANDAR, S.T., M.T., M.Eng., Ph.D.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; Image Processing; Computer Vision; Digital ForensicDetail
124RITA RISMALA, S.T.,M.T.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Machine LearningDetail
125RIZKA REZA PAHLEVI, S.Kom., M.Kom.Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI)Hardware Security; Embedded System; Internet of ThingsDetail
126ROSA RESKA RISKIANA, S.T., M.T.I.Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL)Software EngineeringDetail
127RYAN LINGGA WICAKSONO, S.Kom., M.Kom.Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI)Detail
128SAID AL FARABY, S.T., M.Sc.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Machine Learning; Natural Language ProcessingDetail
129SAMUEL ANDI KRISTYAN, S.Kom., M.T.Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI)Information SecurityDetail
130Prof. Drs. SAPARUDIN, M.T., Ph.D.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Image processing; Computer Vision; and Pattern RecognitionDetail
131SATRIA AKBAR MUGITAMA, S.Kom., M.Kom.Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI)Computer NetworkDetail
132Assoc.Prof. SATRIA MANDALA, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D.Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI)Computer Network; Wireless Ad hoc Network; Network Security; Biomedical EngineeringDetail
133SELLY MELIANA, S.Kom., M.Kom.Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL)intelligent tutoring system; AI in education; recommendation system; computational thinkingDetail
134Dr. SETYORINI, S.T.,M.T.Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI)Distributed Computing; Computational BiologyDetail
135SHAUFIAH, S.T.,M.T.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Database; Data Mining; Data WarehouseDetail
136SHINTA YULIA PUSPITASARI, S.T.,M.T.Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL)Data Engineering; Information System; Mobile ApplicationDetail
137SIDIK PRABOWO, S.T.,M.T.Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI)Internet of Things; security; Information TechnologyDetail
138SITI AMATULLAH KARIMAH, S.T.,M.T.Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI)Computer Network; Big Data; Cloud Computing; Virtualization Technology; Internet of ThingsDetail
139SITI SA'ADAH, S.T.,M.T.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)AI; Machine Learning; Algorithm StrategyDetail
140SRI SURYANI PRASETIYOWATI, S.Si., M.Si.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Spatial temporal mining; Data modeling & SimulationDetail
141Ir. SRI WIDOWATI, M.T.Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL)Software Engineering; SW Quality AssuranceDetail
142Dr. SUTIYO, S.T., M.Eng.Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI)Networking; Wireless Communications; Cloud Computing; Smart SystemDetail
143Prof. Dr. SUYANTO, S.T., M.Sc.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Artificial Intelligence; Swarm Intelligence; Machine Leraning; Big Data/Data Mining; Automatic Speech RecognitionDetail
144Dr. TJOKORDA AGUNG BUDI WIRAYUDA, S.T.,M.T.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Computer Vision; System Recognition; Biometric; Watermarking and Data HidingDetail
145Dr. UNTARI NOVIA WISESTY, S.T.,M.T.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Machine Learning; Artificial Intelligence; BioinformaticsDetail
146UTAMI KUSUMA DEWI, S.Kom., M.Kom.Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL)Detail
147Assoc. Prof. Dr. VERA SURYANI, S.T., M.T.Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI)computer network; internet of thingDetail
148VERONIKHA EFFENDY, S.T., M.T.Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL)software enginering; Human computer interaction; data miningDetail
149VILLY SATRIA PRADITHA, S.T., M.Kom.Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL)Software EngineeringDetail
150Assoc. Prof. Dr. WARIH MAHARANI, S.T.,M.T.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Opinion mining; sentiment analysis; Social Network AnalysisDetail
151WIDI ASTUTI, S.T., M.Kom.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Data ScienceDetail
152Dr. Eng. WIKKY FAWWAZ AL MAKI, S.T., M.Eng.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Artificial intelligence; computer vision; image processing; signal processing; data miningDetail
153YANUAR FIRDAUS ARIE WIBOWO, S.T., M.T.Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL)Digital Transformation; Web Engineering; Information System; Information Retrievel; IT Master Plan and IT GovernanceDetail
154YOGI ANGGUN SALOKO YUDO, S.Kom., Ph.D.Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI)Wireless communicationDetail
155YUDHISTIRA NUGRAHA, S.T., M.ICT Adv., D.Phil.Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI)Privacy; Cybersecurity; Data Science; Smart City; Health InformaticsDetail
156YUDI PRIYADI, S.T., M.T.Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL)Requirements; Engineering Text ProcessingDetail
157Dr. YULIANT SIBARONI, S.Si., M.T.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)text processing; data mining; text classification; social media analysis; spatial data miningDetail
158Assoc. Prof. Dr. Z K ABDURAHMAN BAIZAL, S.Si., M.Kom.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Recommender System; Artificial Intelligence; Text mining; OntologyDetail
159DEMI ADIDRANA, S. T., M.T.I.Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI)Mobile Application; Internet of ThingsDetail
160DENY HARYADI, S.Kom., M.Kom.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)ilmu komputer; data miningDetail
161HERTANTO SUPROPRAYOGO, S.Kom., M.Kom.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Detail
162HESMI ARIA YANTI, S.Kom., M.Kom.Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI)Computer science; Machine Learning; R; IoT; Jaringan KomputerDetail
163INDRA AULIA, S.T.I., M.Kom.Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI)Data Science; Artificial Intelligence; Natural Language ProcessingDetail
164MUSTAFA KAMAL, S.Kom., M.Kom.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Detail
165RANA ZAINI FATHIYANA, S.ST., M.T.Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI)Blockchain; CybersecurityDetail
166SITI ZAHROTUL FAJRIYAH, S.Kom., M.Kom.Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS)Pemrosesan WicaraDetail
167SYFA NURGAIDA YUTIA, S.Tr., M.T.Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI)Cyber security; blockchainDetail
168ZUKI PRISTIANTORO PUTRO, S.T., M.M.S.I.Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI)Data Canter Managemet; IT Infrastructure; Data Warehouse; ProgrammingDetail