No | Nama | Kelompok Keilmuan | Kompetensi/Keahlian Khusus/Research Interest | Ket |
1 | AAZ MUHAMMAD HAFIDZ AZIS, S.T., M.T. | Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL) | Pengenalan Suara | Detail |
2 | ABDULLAH HANIFAN, S.Kom., M.Kom. | Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI) | Cryptography; IoT; Artificial Intelligence | Detail |
3 | ABDULLAH ISKANDAR, S.ST., M.Eng. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Organic Synthesis; Drug Design | Detail |
4 | ACHMAD LUKMAN, S.T., M.Cs., Ph.D. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Computer Graphic and Multimedia | Detail |
5 | Dr. ADE ROMADHONY, S.T.,M.T. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | information extraction; natural language processing; machine learning | Detail |
6 | Dr. ADITYA FIRMAN IHSAN, S.Si., M.Si. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Dynamical System; Deep Learning; Nonlinear Analysis | Detail |
7 | Prof. Dr. ADIWIJAYA, S.Si., M.Si | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Data Science | Detail |
8 | AGUNG TOTO WIBOWO, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Recommender Systems; Matrix and Tensor Factorization; Machine Learning; Swarm Intellgence | Detail |
9 | Dr. AJI GAUTAMA PUTRADA, S.T.,M.T. | Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI) | Computer Network; Internet of Things; Smart Lighting | Detail |
10 | ANDITYA ARIFIANTO, S.T.,M.T. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; Deep Learning; Convolutional Neural Network | Detail |
11 | ANDRI QIANTORI, S.T., M.M.,Ph.D. | Digital; Social; Media; Analytics; Autonomous | Detail | |
12 | ANDRIAN RAKHMATSYAH, S.T., M.T. | Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI) | Embedded System; Internet of things; Intelligent System | Detail |
13 | ANDY MAULANA YUSUF, S.Kom., M.Kom. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Socio Informatics | Detail |
14 | Assoc. Prof. ANGELINA PRIMA KURNIATI, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | data science; data mining; information system; process mining | Detail |
15 | ANIQ ATIQI ROHMAWATI, S.Si., M.Si. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Stochastics Modelling; Analysis Time Series; Quantitative Risk | Detail |
16 | ANISA HERDIANI, S.T., M.T. | Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL) | knowledge management; big data; ontology; learning technology | Detail |
17 | ANNISA ADITSANIA, S.Si., M.Si. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Optimization and Control | Detail |
18 | Dr. ANUNG ASMORO, S.T.,M.T. | Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL) | telecommunication; startup; egovernment; software engineering | Detail |
19 | Dr. ARFIVE GANDHI, S.T., M.T.I. | Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL) | Software Engineering; User Experience; Project Management; e-Learning; Information Security | Detail |
20 | Prof. Ir. ARI MOESRIAMI BARMAWI, M.Sc., Ph.D. | Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI) | linguistic and image steganography; cryptography; Artificial Intelligence | Detail |
21 | Dr. ARIE ARDIYANTI SURYANI, S.T.,M.T. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | natural language processing; mesin penerjemah | Detail |
22 | ARIO HARRY PRAYOGO, S.Kom., M.Kom. | Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL) | Computer Science; Software Engineering | Detail |
23 | ARISTYO HADIKUSUMA, S.ST., M.T. | Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL) | information teknology; big data; data science and project manageme | Detail |
24 | Dr. ARNIDA LAILATUL LATIFAH, S.Si., M.SC | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Mathematical modeling; Computational Sciences; Climate simulations | Detail |
25 | Dr. ATI SUCI DIAN MARTHA, S.Kom., M.T. | Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL) | Software Engineering; Personalized Learning; Online Learning; Human-Computer Interaction | Detail |
26 | AULIA ARIF WARDANA, S.Kom., M.T. | Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI) | Cybersecurity Mesh; Consensus Algorithm; Distributed Ledger; Intrusion Detection; Computer Network | Detail |
27 | AZKA KHOIRUNNISA, S.Si.Kom., M.Kom. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | data science; informatics | Detail |
28 | BAMBANG ARI WAHYUDI, S.Kom., M.T. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Kriptografi | Detail |
29 | BAMBANG SUBENO, S.T., M.Kom. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Detail | |
30 | Assoc. Prof. Dr. BAYU ERFIANTO, S.Si., M.Sc. | Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI) | Sensor Data Fusion; Cyber-Physical System; Internet of Things; Embedded Robotics | Detail |
31 | BEDY PURNAMA, S.Si., M.T., Ph.D. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Computer Vision; Image Processing; Machine Learning; Bioinfomatics | Detail |
32 | BUNYAMIN, M.Kom. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Detail | |
33 | DADANG SETIAWAN, S.T., M.Sc. | Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL) | Software Engineering; Information Architecture; Machine Learning | Detail |
34 | Assoc. Prof. DADE NURJANAH, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. | Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL) | Adaptive learning; user modeling; CSCW; social computing | Detail |
35 | Assoc. Prof. DANA SULISTYO KUSUMO, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. | Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL) | Detail | |
36 | DANANG JUNAEDI, S.T., M.T. | Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL) | Software Engineering; Decision Support System; Human-Computer Interaction | Detail |
37 | DANANG TRIANTORO MURDIANSYAH, S.Si., M.T | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Data Mining; Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; Graph Theory | Detail |
38 | DAWAM DWI JATMIKO SUWAWI, S.T., M.T. | Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL) | Software Engineering; E-learning; Information System | Detail |
39 | Drs. DEDE ROHIDIN, M.T., Ph.D. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | soft computing and datamining | Detail |
40 | DEDE TARWIDI, S.Si., M.Si., M.Sc. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Water Wave; Numerical Model; Submarine Landslide; Machine Learning; Artificial Neural Network | Detail |
41 | Dr. DENI SAEPUDIN, S.Si., M. Si. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Mathematical modeling; Computational Finance; Optimization | Detail |
42 | Assoc. Prof. Dr. DIDIT ADYTIA, S.Si., M. Si. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Wave Forecasting; Variational Method; Numerical Simulation; Machine Learning; Data Science | Detail |
43 | DITA OKTARIA, S.Kom., M.T. | Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI) | information technology; smart city; information security | Detail |
44 | Dr. DIYAS PUSPANDARI, S.S., M.Pd. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | applied linguistic | Detail |
45 | DODI WISAKSONO SUDIHARTO, S.T., M.Kom. | Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI) | Telematics | Detail |
46 | Dr. DODY QORI UTAMA, S.T.,M.T. | Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL) | Biomedical Engineering | Detail |
47 | DONNI RICHASDY, S.T., M.T. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Conversational AI; Natural Language Processing; Data Engineering; Software Engineering; Project Management | Detail |
48 | EDWARD FERDIAN, S.T., B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Detail | |
49 | EKO DARWIYANTO, S.T., M.T. | Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL) | Informatics; Software Engineering; Information System | Detail |
50 | Dr. EMA RACHMAWATI, S.T., M.T. | Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL) | image understanding; object recognition; machine learning; computer vision | Detail |
51 | ENDRO ARIYANTO, S.T., M.T. | Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI) | Computer system; Internet of Things | Detail |
52 | ERWID MUSTHOFA JADIED, S.T., M.T. | Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI) | Detail | |
53 | Assoc. Prof. Dr. ERWIN BUDI SETIAWAN, S.Si., M.T. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Machine Learning; Social Media Analysis; People Analytics; Modelling and Simulation | Detail |
54 | FADIL AL AFGANI, S.Kom.,M.Kom. | Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL) | software engineering; machine learning; knowledge graph | Detail |
55 | Dr. FARAH AFIANTI, S.T., M.T. | Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI) | cryptography; WSN; security; IoT Blockchain | Detail |
56 | Dr. FARISYA SETIADI, S.T., M.T.I. | Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI) | IT Strategic Management; Digital Transformation; SPBE; Cyber Security; IT Risk Management | Detail |
57 | Dr. FAZMAH ARIF YULIANTO, S.T., M.T. | Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI) | Computer Networking; Cyber-Physical Systems | Detail |
58 | FEBRI DAWANI, S.T., M.T. | Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI) | Informatics; Computing; Network; Internet of Things | Detail |
59 | FEBRYANTI STHEVANIE, S.T., M.T. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Image Processing; pattern recognition; object detection; computer vision; biometric | Detail |
60 | FEDDY DEA RESKYADITA, S.T., M.Kom. | Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL) | UI/UX; Data Science; Software Engineering | Detail |
61 | FHIRA NHITA, S.T., M.T. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Data Mining; Artificial Intelligence | Detail |
62 | Dr. FITRIYANI, S.Si., M.T. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Detail | |
63 | FLORITA DIANA SARI, S.S., M. Pd. | Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL) | Applied linguistics; TESOL; cognitive science | Detail |
64 | Dr. GAMMA KOSALA, S.Si. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Computer Vision; Machine Learning; Artificial Intelligence | Detail |
65 | GEDE AGUNG ARY WISUDIAWAN, S.Kom., M.T. | Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL) | Process Mining; Data Engineering; Software Engineering; Information System; information quality | Detail |
66 | GIA SEPTIANA WULANDARI, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. | Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL) | Graph Transformations; Semantics and Reasoning; Formal Verifications; Logics Optimization | Detail |
67 | HANI NURRAHMI, S.Kom., M.Kom. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Social Computing Text Mining | Detail |
68 | HASMAWATI, S.Kom., M.Kom. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | text mining; natural language processing; machine learning | Detail |
69 | HENDY IRAWAN, S.T., M.T. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Artificial Intelligence; Big Data; Machine Learning; Deep Learning; Natural Language Processing | Detail |
70 | Assoc. Prof. HILAL HUDAN NUHA, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. | Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI) | Detail | |
71 | Dr. HILDA FAHLENA, S.Si., M.Si. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Biomath; Mathematics Modeling; Dynamics System | Detail |
72 | I GEDE MANGGALA PUTRA, S.Kom., M.Kom. | Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL) | Data Science | Detail |
73 | I WAYAN PALTON ANUWIKSA, S.Si., M.Si. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Detail | |
74 | IBNU ASROR, S.T., M.T. | Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI) | Data mining; Machine Learning | Detail |
75 | IKKE DIAN OKTAVIANI, S.Kom., M.Kom. | Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI) | School of Computing | Detail |
76 | Dr. IMELDA ATASTINA, S.Si., M.T. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Data Mining; Big Data Analytics | Detail |
77 | INDRA LUKMANA SARDI, S.T., M.T. | Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL) | Information System; Enterprise Architecture; UI/UX; Human Computer Interaction | Detail |
78 | Dra. INDWIARTI, M.Si | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | probability and statistics; data analysis; data mining | Detail |
79 | IRMA PALUPI, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Detail | |
80 | ISA MULIA INSAN, S.Kom.,M.Kom. | Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL) | Internet of Things | Detail |
81 | Assoc. Prof. ISMAN KURNIAWAN, S.Pd., M.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Data Science; Chemoinformatics; Machine Learning; Computational Chemistry; Modeling and Simulation | Detail |
82 | IZZATUL UMMAH, S.T.,M.T. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Data science; machine learning | Detail |
83 | JATI HILIAMSYAH HUSEN, S.T., M.Eng. | Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL) | requirements engineering; game development; software engineering | Detail |
84 | JIMMY TIRTAWANGSA, Ph.D | Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL) | Detail | |
85 | Drs. JONDRI, M.Si | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Machine Learning | Detail |
86 | Dr. KEMAS MUSLIM LHAKSMANA, S.T., M.ISD. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Services Computing; Text Classification | Detail |
87 | Assoc. Prof. KEMAS RAHMAT SALEH WIHARJA, S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Knowledge Representation and Reasoning; Graph Machine Learning; Data Science | Detail |
88 | KURNIAWAN NUR RAMADHANI, S.T.,M.T. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; Computer Vision; Design and Analysis of Algorithm; Multimedia Processing | Detail |
89 | Dr. KUSUMA ADI ACHMAD, S.Kom., M.T. | Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI) | Enterprise Architecture; IT Governance; Digital Government; Smart City; Recommender System | Detail |
90 | Dr. KUSUMA AYU LAKSITOWENING, S.T.,M.T. | Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL) | e-Learning; Learning Analytics; Personalized Learning; Educational Software Engineering | Detail |
91 | LAZUARDY SYAHRUL DARFIANSA | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Computing Education; Machine Learning; Technology Enhanced Learning | Detail |
92 | LIDYA NINGSIH, S.T.,M.Kom. | Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL) | Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; Deep Learning; Image Processing | Detail |
93 | MAHENDRA DWIFEBRI PURBOLAKSONO, S.Kom., M.Kom. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Data Mining; Text Mining | Detail |
94 | Dr. MAHMUD DWI SULISTIYO, S.T., M.T. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Computer Vision; Machine Learning; Pattern Recognition; Intelligent Systems | Detail |
95 | Drs. MAHMUD IMRONA, M.T. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Intelligent Transportation Systems | Detail |
96 | Prof. Dr. MAMAN ABDUROHMAN, S.T.,M.T. | Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI) | Internet of Things; Cyber Physical System | Detail |
97 | Dr. MIRA KANIA SABARIAH, S.T.,M.T. | Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL) | Software Engineering; Human-Computer Interaction; Data Mining | Detail |
98 | Dr. Ir. MOCH. ARIF BIJAKSANA, M.Tech. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Computational Linguistics | Detail |
99 | MONTERICO ADRIAN, S.T., M.T | Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL) | Programming; Mobile Technology; System Architecture; System Performance | Detail |
100 | MUHAMAD IRSAN, S.T., M.Kom., Ph.D. | Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI) | IoT; Machine Learning; Database System; IT Security; deep learning | Detail |
101 | MUHAMMAD AL MAKKY, S.Kom., M.T. | Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI) | Enterprise Architecture; IT Governance; Distributed and Parallel System | Detail |
102 | MUHAMMAD ARIEF NUGROHO, S.T.,M.T. | Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI) | Computer Networks; Software-Defined Networks; Cloud Computing | Detail |
103 | MUHAMMAD ARZAKI, S.Si., M.Kom. | Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL) | Detail | |
104 | MUHAMMAD FARIS FATHONI, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. | Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI) | Real-time Systems; Virtualization; Modeling & Simulations; Airborne Software; Cyber-Physical Systems | Detail |
105 | Dr. Eng. MUHAMMAD FIRDAUS, S.ST., M.T. | Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI) | Detail | |
106 | NIKEN DWI WAHYU CAHYANI, S.T., M.Kom, Ph.D. | Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI) | digital forensics; security system | Detail |
107 | NOVIAN ANGGIS SUWASTIKA, S.T., M.T | Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI) | Technology Readiness; Technology Adoption; Education Technology; IoT | Detail |
108 | NUNGKI SELVIANDRO, S.Kom., M.Kom., Ph.D. | Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL) | System Assurance; Model-Driven Engineering; Autonomous Systems; Assurance Cases | Detail |
109 | NUR GHANIAVIYANTO RAMAHDHAN, S.Kom., M.Kom. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Data Science; Information Extraction; Machine Learning | Detail |
110 | NURJAYANTI, S.T., M.Kom. | Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL) | Software Engineering; Data Engineering | Detail |
111 | NURUL IKHSAN, S. Si., M.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Computational Science; Material Science; Parallel Computing | Detail |
112 | PARMAN SUKARNO, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. | Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI) | Cybersecurity; Digital Innovation | Detail |
113 | PRASTI EKO YUNANTO, S.T., M.Kom. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Biometrics; System Recognition; Pattern Recognition; Computer Vision | Detail |
114 | PRATI HUTARI GANI, S.T.,M.T. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Data Engineering; Sentiment Analysis; Social Media Analysis; Big Data Data Science | Detail |
115 | Assoc. Prof. Dr. PUTU HARRY GUNAWAN, S.Si., M.Si., M.Sc. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Applied mathematics; Numerical method; Machine Learning | Detail |
116 | RAHMAT YASIRANDI, S.T.,M.T. | Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI) | IS/IT; Innovation Adoption; Customer Satisfaction; User Acceptance | Detail |
117 | RAMANTI DHARAYANI S.T., M.T.I. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Big Data Analytics; Data Management; Business Intelligence; Healthcare; Bioinformatics | Detail |
118 | Dr. RIAN FEBRIAN UMBARA, S.Si., M.Si | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Data Science; Mathematics; Graph Theory | Detail |
119 | Dr. RIFKI WIJAYA, S.Si., M.T. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Data Science; Artificial Intelligence; Biomedical Engineering; Big Data; IoT | Detail |
120 | RIMBA WHIDIANA CIPTASARI, S.Si., M.T., Ph.D. | Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI) | Multimedia authentication and forensics | Detail |
121 | RIO GUNTUR UTOMO, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. | Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI) | Information Assurance; Information Security; Cyber Security; E-Government; IT Adoption | Detail |
122 | RIO NURTANTYANA, S.Pd., M.Pd., M.Sc., Ph.D. | Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI) | IoT; Android; Web; Augmented Reality; Education | Detail |
123 | RISNANDAR, S.T., M.T., M.Eng., Ph.D. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; Image Processing; Computer Vision; Digital Forensic | Detail |
124 | RITA RISMALA, S.T.,M.T. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Machine Learning | Detail |
125 | RIZKA REZA PAHLEVI, S.Kom., M.Kom. | Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI) | Hardware Security; Embedded System; Internet of Things | Detail |
126 | ROSA RESKA RISKIANA, S.T., M.T.I. | Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL) | Software Engineering | Detail |
127 | RYAN LINGGA WICAKSONO, S.Kom., M.Kom. | Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI) | Detail | |
128 | SAID AL FARABY, S.T., M.Sc. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Machine Learning; Natural Language Processing | Detail |
129 | SAMUEL ANDI KRISTYAN, S.Kom., M.T. | Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI) | Information Security | Detail |
130 | Prof. Drs. SAPARUDIN, M.T., Ph.D. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Image processing; Computer Vision; and Pattern Recognition | Detail |
131 | SATRIA AKBAR MUGITAMA, S.Kom., M.Kom. | Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI) | Computer Network | Detail |
132 | Assoc.Prof. SATRIA MANDALA, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D. | Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI) | Computer Network; Wireless Ad hoc Network; Network Security; Biomedical Engineering | Detail |
133 | SELLY MELIANA, S.Kom., M.Kom. | Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL) | intelligent tutoring system; AI in education; recommendation system; computational thinking | Detail |
134 | Dr. SETYORINI, S.T.,M.T. | Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI) | Distributed Computing; Computational Biology | Detail |
135 | SHAUFIAH, S.T.,M.T. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Database; Data Mining; Data Warehouse | Detail |
136 | SHINTA YULIA PUSPITASARI, S.T.,M.T. | Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL) | Data Engineering; Information System; Mobile Application | Detail |
137 | SIDIK PRABOWO, S.T.,M.T. | Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI) | Internet of Things; security; Information Technology | Detail |
138 | SITI AMATULLAH KARIMAH, S.T.,M.T. | Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI) | Computer Network; Big Data; Cloud Computing; Virtualization Technology; Internet of Things | Detail |
139 | SITI SA'ADAH, S.T.,M.T. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | AI; Machine Learning; Algorithm Strategy | Detail |
140 | SRI SURYANI PRASETIYOWATI, S.Si., M.Si. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Spatial temporal mining; Data modeling & Simulation | Detail |
141 | Ir. SRI WIDOWATI, M.T. | Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL) | Software Engineering; SW Quality Assurance | Detail |
142 | Dr. SUTIYO, S.T., M.Eng. | Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI) | Networking; Wireless Communications; Cloud Computing; Smart System | Detail |
143 | Prof. Dr. SUYANTO, S.T., M.Sc. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Artificial Intelligence; Swarm Intelligence; Machine Leraning; Big Data/Data Mining; Automatic Speech Recognition | Detail |
144 | Dr. TJOKORDA AGUNG BUDI WIRAYUDA, S.T.,M.T. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Computer Vision; System Recognition; Biometric; Watermarking and Data Hiding | Detail |
145 | Dr. UNTARI NOVIA WISESTY, S.T.,M.T. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Machine Learning; Artificial Intelligence; Bioinformatics | Detail |
146 | UTAMI KUSUMA DEWI, S.Kom., M.Kom. | Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL) | Detail | |
147 | Assoc. Prof. Dr. VERA SURYANI, S.T., M.T. | Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI) | computer network; internet of thing | Detail |
148 | VERONIKHA EFFENDY, S.T., M.T. | Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL) | software enginering; Human computer interaction; data mining | Detail |
149 | VILLY SATRIA PRADITHA, S.T., M.Kom. | Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL) | Software Engineering | Detail |
150 | Assoc. Prof. Dr. WARIH MAHARANI, S.T.,M.T. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Opinion mining; sentiment analysis; Social Network Analysis | Detail |
151 | WIDI ASTUTI, S.T., M.Kom. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Data Science | Detail |
152 | Dr. Eng. WIKKY FAWWAZ AL MAKI, S.T., M.Eng. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Artificial intelligence; computer vision; image processing; signal processing; data mining | Detail |
153 | YANUAR FIRDAUS ARIE WIBOWO, S.T., M.T. | Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL) | Digital Transformation; Web Engineering; Information System; Information Retrievel; IT Master Plan and IT Governance | Detail |
154 | YOGI ANGGUN SALOKO YUDO, S.Kom., Ph.D. | Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI) | Wireless communication | Detail |
155 | YUDHISTIRA NUGRAHA, S.T., M.ICT Adv., D.Phil. | Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI) | Privacy; Cybersecurity; Data Science; Smart City; Health Informatics | Detail |
156 | YUDI PRIYADI, S.T., M.T. | Software Engineering and Algorithm (SEAL) | Requirements; Engineering Text Processing | Detail |
157 | Dr. YULIANT SIBARONI, S.Si., M.T. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | text processing; data mining; text classification; social media analysis; spatial data mining | Detail |
158 | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Z K ABDURAHMAN BAIZAL, S.Si., M.Kom. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Recommender System; Artificial Intelligence; Text mining; Ontology | Detail |
159 | DEMI ADIDRANA, S. T., M.T.I. | Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI) | Mobile Application; Internet of Things | Detail |
160 | DENY HARYADI, S.Kom., M.Kom. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | ilmu komputer; data mining | Detail |
161 | HERTANTO SUPROPRAYOGO, S.Kom., M.Kom. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Detail | |
162 | HESMI ARIA YANTI, S.Kom., M.Kom. | Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI) | Computer science; Machine Learning; R; IoT; Jaringan Komputer | Detail |
163 | INDRA AULIA, S.T.I., M.Kom. | Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI) | Data Science; Artificial Intelligence; Natural Language Processing | Detail |
164 | MUSTAFA KAMAL, S.Kom., M.Kom. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Detail | |
165 | RANA ZAINI FATHIYANA, S.ST., M.T. | Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI) | Blockchain; Cybersecurity | Detail |
166 | SITI ZAHROTUL FAJRIYAH, S.Kom., M.Kom. | Data Science and Intelligent Systems (DSIS) | Pemrosesan Wicara | Detail |
167 | SYFA NURGAIDA YUTIA, S.Tr., M.T. | Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI) | Cyber security; blockchain | Detail |
168 | ZUKI PRISTIANTORO PUTRO, S.T., M.M.S.I. | Communication and Information Technology Insfrastucture (CITI) | Data Canter Managemet; IT Infrastructure; Data Warehouse; Programming | Detail |