Network Rendering Workshop

Network Rendering Workshop

Bandung, SOC – Friday (11/14/2014), the School of Computing lecturer from the Computational Algorithm Research Group gave a Network Rendering Workshop. They are Izzatul Ummah, Fitriyani, and Nurul Ikhsan. The activity, which was held at the 1st Floor of Building Computational (BC) Laboratory, F Building, discussed the use of cluster rendering. “Rendering clusters or commonly known as render farms are a group of computers connected to a network that work together to complete the rendering process simultaneously,” said Izzatul, one of the lecturers in the workshop. The aim is to complete the 3-dimensional animation transcoding process into a video more quickly, “he continued.

Hearing the teacher’s explanation, the Workshop participants consisting of students and Vocational High School students looked enthusiastic and impatient to practice it. “Render farms can be made from small to large scale. For small scale, it can be assembled on its own with PC commodity materials on the market, “said Izzatul. “In assembling render farms, we only need to install a PC with the desired operating system, connect it to the network, then utilize the network rendering management facilities carried by the applications we use,” he added.

Finally, the time came when the participants conducted a practical demonstration guided by Nurul Ikhsan. In the practice demonstration, the participants were introduced to open source cluster rendering. “We introduce cluster render based on open source using the Linux operating system and blender animation suite,” Ikhsan explained. “Both of these platforms are used apart from being free, easy to operate, and have outstanding reliability,” he concluded.