Alfian Pamungkas, School of Computing Student Winner of Independent Entrepreneur 2015

Alfian Pamungkas, School of Computing Student Winner of Independent Entrepreneur 2015

Bandung, SOC The 2015 Mandiri Young Entrepreneur Competition was completed at the Grha Sabha Pramana Building at Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta. Competition held by PT. Bank Mandiri Tbk. This succeeded in giving birth to 24 potential business people. One of them is Alfian Pamungkas. Through PT. Cloud Hosting Indonesia, Alfian won second place in the category of Industry, Trade, and Services.

Alfian who is a student at the School of Computing at the Telkom University managed to get rid of 6,572 other participants divided into 5 categories, namely the catering business; industrial, service and trade business fields; creative business field; social business field; and technology business.