Three Telkom University Students Enter the Top 10 HCDA Certifications

Three Telkom University Students Enter the Top 10 HCDA Certifications


JAKARTA, TEL – U – Three students of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and the School of Computing of Telkom University made it into the 10 best students of the Huawei Certified Datacom Associate (HCDA) Student Training Program. They are Radiah Hamdah, 2011 Bachelor of Telecommunications Engineering, Devi Fitriani Bachelor of Telecommunications Engineering 2010, and Lugina Muhammad Bachelor of Informatics in 2010.

The HCDA program is telecommunication training for local talents from leading Indonesian universities. The number of participants came from Gajah Mada University (UGM), Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) and Telkom University (Tel-U).

The names of the ten best students were announced at the Student Training Ceremony in Ciputat National Library Jakarta on Friday (6/13). The event was attended by the Head of the Human Resources Research and Development Agency of the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Chinese Ambassador and representatives from the University whose students participated in this training.

According to the Head of the HR R&D Agency of the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology Basuki Yusuf Iskandar, Indonesia must prepare itself especially in terms of human resources, to face the 2015 ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA). “Collaboration like this is crucial for competency development efforts human resources especially to compete in the telecommunications industry.

The training was held on 7-12 June 2014 in two locations, namely Ciputat Tangerang National ICT Center and STEI ITB Huawei Training Center, Bandung. This training focuses on certification of the Huawei Certified Datacom Associate (HCDA) network, which is equivalent to the Indonesian National Work Competency Standards Network Administrator.

Huawei Tech Investment Inc. signed the certification of the participants with the Human Resources Research and Development Agency of the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Telkom Inc., and Telkomsel Inc. This certification is useful in human resource development, especially in facing AFTA 2015.

President Director of Huawei Tech Investment Inc., Mr. Sheng Kai said that he was very enthusiastic in contributing to improving the telecommunications industry in Indonesia. “One way is to help prepare young local ICT talents, through our global CSR program, namely Telecom Seeds for the Future,” he said.

The participants were selected through administrative tests and interviews so that 100 people gathered. They are the first batch of HCDA Student Training where all are free. Participants from Tel-U who managed to escape were 43 people, most of whom were students of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering.

The training material includes Fundamental Network IP, Network Protocol Principle and Configuration, Switch Protocol Principle and Configuration, WAN Technique and Configuration, and Firewall Technique and Configuration. The training system provided uses a one-day method to discuss one topic in theory and practice using tools directly.

“All the training provided is a new science that is different from the tools used on campus. During the training, we were taught all the tools used by Huawei Tech Investment Inc.,” said Ammatia Risty, a 2010 Telecommunication Engineering Bachelor student who was a trainee.

Whereas Lugina Muhammad, one of the best students, said that she was delighted to be able to take part in this training, especially since she was chosen as one of the best participants from Telkom University. “I am happy because I can add knowledge, especially about the technology developed here. Besides that, I can also get to know friends from other campuses who are participants, “he said when interviewed after the event.

All training and certification materials will be useful for participants when they will apply for jobs and are ready to face the real industry. The ten best participants will be allowed to intern for 2 months at Telkomsel. (purel/rls/raf)