The 4th International Conference on Data Science and Its Applications (ICoDSA)
The advancement of today’s computing technology has driven people to generate a vast amount of data with the size and variety that have never been experienced in the history of computing. The need to process and analyze big data attracts researchers interest to prepare solutions. ICoDSA 2021 is organized by Telkom University and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, sponsored by IEEE Indonesia Section.
The conference welcomes all topics that are relevant to:
✏ Data Science
✏ Computational Linguistics
✏ Information Science
✏ Cyber Security
Meet Our Speakers
👤 Prof. David Hogg (University of Leeds)
👤 Dr. Amirudin Abdul Wahab (Cybersecurity Malaysia)
👤 Assoc. Prof. Suyanto (Telkom University)
👤 Assoc. Prof. Shukor Razak (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia)
Important Dates
📆 Paper Submission Deadline : 1July 2021 (1st round), 15 July 2021 (2nd round), 1 August 2021 (3rd round)
📆 Registration Deadline : 24 July 2021
📆 Acceptance Notification : 1 September 2021
📆 Camera Ready : 15 August 2021
📆 Early Bird : 15 September 2021
For More Information
🌐 https://commdis.telkomuniversity.ac.id/icodsa/2021/
📩 icodsa@telkomuniversity.ac.id