The current needs of industry and society for technology are in the field of the Internet of Things (IoT), which is implemented to automate processes and controls by using Sensor, Microcontroller, and Microprocessor devices. At present, IoT is an essential platform in supporting Industry 4.0. The potential of IoT is believed to be very large and is a business in the future. The current government strongly encourages sectors such as the field of Communication Technology, Smart cards, Fiber Optics, Solar Panels, Lighting (Energy Saving), and Digital Television to be able to compete in the Industrial 4.0 era. Besides, IoT can currently be implemented for Agricultural Technology, Security Technology, and further developed by combining with Artificial Intelligence Algorithms (AI).

The potential mentioned before is an excellent opportunity for Vocational High School 1 to have competence in the IoT Field. Thus, the Vocational High School is not only for the Network Information System and Application Vocational Program but also to be introduced to the other three Vocational Programs as study materials which are adjusted to each of the Vocational Program Competencies. This opportunity was used by Cimahi 1 Vocational School Teachers and Students to design a system supported by IoT devices.

Cimahi State Vocational School 1 is one of the Vocational Secondary Education Institutions in Cimahi City, West Java. That organizes a Four-Year Vocational Education Program of Eight State Vocational Schools in Indonesia. The physical development of the Vocational School began in 1969, on a 3.4-hectare land, and had received students since 1974 and was inaugurated on March 24, 1977, under the name of the Secondary School of Technology in Bandung.

This Vocational School has become a favorite school. It has proven to produce competent graduates, where many graduates from this Vocational School are continuing their studies at Diploma and Bachelor level at Telkom University, as well as one of their alumni becoming lecturers at Telkom University. This school has the vision to be a Vocational School that produces High Quality and Highly Competitive Human Resources. Through this vision, Cimahi State Vocational School 1 has a mission to prepare students to become candidates for workforce who are reliable and able to compete at Regional and Global levels and to Improve Education Services and School Management through Excellent Services. Cimahi State Vocational School 1 has 8 Expertise Programs, including Network Information Systems and Applications, Industrial Electronic Engineering, Industrial Automation Engineering and Instrumentation, and Process Automation. These four Expertise Programs will produce graduates with Competencies in Making Electronic Control Systems and Process Automation, Microprocessors and Microcontrollers and Infrastructure, Platforms, Cloud Computing Services and Internet of Things (IoT) Systems.

The Community Service Program Lecturer from the Telematics Expertise Group at Cimahi State Vocational School 1 is not the first time. The Community Service Activity this time took the form of an Internet Preliminary Workshop Activity attended by more than 60 participants from students representing several Study Programs. The enthusiasm of the participants was evident at this activity. The number of participants in the workshop planned to ask only 20 students, to more than 60 people.

This activity contains a Workshop starting from assembling devices, which then proceed with and implement an Arduino Microcontroller with several sensors, one of which is the Temperature Sensor. During this activity, 40 training packages were delivered as well as 40 packages.

Some feedback from students after this Community Service Activity is expected that such a program will be continued with the next material, namely the Internet of things with the addition of artificial intelligence, Big data, and Cybersecurity. Average feedback from participants strongly agreed as much as 95.62% that this activity was in accordance with the objectives, according to needs and is expected to be continued in the future.

As for the teaser of this community service activity, it can be seen in the following video.


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