School of Computing with School of Creative Industries Developed Halal Tourism Portal for Kabupaten Garut
School of Computing in collaboration with the Office of Tourism and Culture of Garut Regency on Monday, June 17, 2019, held a New Feature and User Interface Socialization of Halal Tourism Portal This activity is a 2019 Internal Collaboration Service Period I Community Service program between the School of Informatics (FIF) and School of Creative Industries (FIK).
The FIF Lecturer Team consists of Fhira Nhita, Prof. Adiwijaya, Dawam Dwi Jatmiko, and Indra Lukmana Sardi. Expert programmer Yusza Reditya Murti supported the team. We also collaborated with a team of Lecturers from the School of Creative Industries from the Visual Communication Design Study Program consisting of Novian Denny, Arief Budiman, and Sakina Fathiani.
This program is a continuation of the 2017 and 2018 Multiyears program which was previously inaugurated by the Kabupaten Garut. This socialization event was attended directly by the Head of the Garut Tourism & Culture Office, the Secretary of the Office, and his staff. Besides that, it was also attended by Management from several hotels, restaurants, and destinations in the Kabupaten Garut.
On this occasion the Head of the District Tourism Office of Kabupaten Garut H. Budi Gan Gan Gumilar expressed his great gratitude and gratitude for the collaboration of Telkom University until the 3rd year in supporting tourism promotions in Garut. Some hotel management such as Danau Dariza, Santika hotel, and Fave hotel also expressed the same impression and hoped this portal could continue to be improved.
This halal tourism portal is expected to be a complete and reliable reference for domestic and foreign tourists, especially Muslim tourists. So that in the future it can improve the economy of the Kabupaten Garut.