Jogja Information Technology Session

Jogja Information Technology Session


Bandung, SOC – 28 February – 6 June 2015, Jogja Information Technology Session was held by the Faculty of Computer Science Student Association of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Gadjah Mada University. Two Informatics Engineering students, Telkom University won 2nd place, where the 1st place was from ATMAJAYA, and 3rd place was Bogor Agricultural Institute.

Januar and Hadyan said, “We (the Omni Team) went through a long journey. Started registration, proposal selection, then selected the top 50, selected again by sending the finished game files. Then passed the final round (top 10). At this stage, we made a presentation in front of the jury. After the presentation, we chose the top 3 on the final day to make a live coding war. After the live coding war stage, the announcement finally ended, and we won the 2nd place. “

Congratulations for the Omni Team that we hope we can continue working in the future

Student NameStudent Identity NumberMajorFaculty
Januar Triandy Nur Elsan1103132167Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringInformatics
Fadhlil Hadyan1103130157Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringInformatics