First batch of Telkom DBT Internship Program Socialization
Thursday, March 10, 2022, a socialization activity for the implementation of the Telkom DBT Internship Teaching program was carried out. The Internship Program is an internship program where students can have short-term work experience offered by companies and other institutions.
The Telkom DBT Internship Program is a form of implementation of the collaboration between the Faculty of Informatics, Telkom University and Telkom DBT. Telkom DBT opens an internship program for students of S1 Informatics, S1 Information Technology and S1 Software Engineering (Min Semester 5) in the fields of Software Developer (Back End and Front End), Software Quality Assurance and Software Documentation.
This activity was also attended by students of the Informatics Faculty from the Informatics S1 Study Program, Information Technology S1 and S1 Software Engineering, Head of Study Program, Representative from Telkom DBT namely Mr. Roni Setiawan and opened by the Dean of the Informatics Faculty. In his address Dr. ZK Abdurahman Baizal as the Dean of the Faculty of Informatics hopes that with this well-established collaboration in the future this program can run smoothly so that this is a starting point for the next batch and wider collaboration and students can be better prepared and become a provision to enter the world of work later.