Visiting Professor of School of Computing

Prof. Ishida

Prof. Ishida is a Professor Emeritus of Kyoto University, where he served as a professor from 1993 to 2019. He was President of the IEICE from 2021 to 2022, and a member of the Science Council of Japan from 2011 to 2017. He has been working on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems since 1988. He worked towards the creation of the top conference in this area and served as General Co-Chair of the first AAMAS in 2002. He has led several research projects, such as Digital City Kyoto and the Language Grid. He initiated (probably) the world’s first multilingual project using machine translation with Chinese, Korean, and Malaysian colleagues in 2002. The concept of “intercultural collaboration” was coined during this experiment. He created a Design School at Kyoto University with his colleagues in Informatics, Architecture, Mechanical Engineering, Management, and Psychology. He has served as a visiting professor at Technische Universität München, Université Paris 6, the University of Maryland, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Hong Kong Baptist University and others. He is a Fellow of IEEE, IEICE and IPSJ.