United Nations (UN) Opens Vacancies for Fresh Graduates

United Nations (UN) Opens Vacancies for Fresh Graduates

Bandung, Tel-U – The United Nations (UN) invites Indonesian citizens to join as UN professional staff at the P-1 or P-2 level. Vacancies through the 2014 United Nations Young Professionals Program (YPP) program are open to fresh graduates.

In opening this recruitment, the United Nations cooperated with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, intending to find young people in member countries whose numbers worked under UN offices (underrepresented), to join as UN Professional staff.

Indonesia participated in this program because currently, there are still very few Indonesian citizens working at the UN.

For this reason, the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs encourages young Indonesians to meet the general requirements requested, namely:
(1) maximum of 32 years old,
(2) have a minimum Bachelor Degree (S-1) that is relevant to the field of work opened, and
(3) able to speak English or French properly, to participate in applying for available fields of work.

The YPP program does not require work experience, so this opportunity is also open to fresh graduates.

In YPP 2014, there are 6 (six) fields of work opened which are divided into three waves of registration as follows:

June 14-August 13, 2014 for the fields of (a) information systems & technology, (b) politics.

June 21-August 20, 2014 for the fields of (c) economy, (d) radio broadcast production (specifically Arabic / Chinese / Kiswahili / Russian / Spanish).

June 28-August 27, 2014 for the fields of (e) Human Rights, and (f) Photographers.

Registration will be done online through the site http://careers.un.org/, and all registration times are closed at 11:59 p.m. New York, USA time. It should also be noted that the field of work and time of registration can change at any time, depending on the decisions of the UN Secretariat.

It is recommended that you continue to monitor the latest information through the site http://careers.un.org/ or through www.kemlu.go.id in the Career and Scholarship column.

Source: Job Vacancies in International Organizations. (Purel/MYA/raf)