The School of Computing Contributes to Telkom University International Publications
Bandung, SOC – Telkom University’s ranking for Scopus indexed international publications soared from 33 (in January 2015) to 19 (in August 2015) with 238 paper publications.
The 19th national ranking places Telkom University in the ranking of the two National Private Universities totaling more than 4000. This ranking data is taken from the Scopus database which can be explicitly accessed by customers. The ranking of the 50 most productive universities in Indonesia has been summarized by Professor H. Gunawan, professor of ITB on his page.
Of the 238 papers with Telkom University affiliates, there were 94 papers (40%) published by the School of Computing (SoC). Dr. Adiwijaya gave the biggest contribution with 26 papers, followed by Astuti RE 11 papers, Susanto E. 11 papers, and Abdurohman M. 10 papers.
News quoted from the Telkom University Chancellor’s blog: http://ashari.staff.telkomuniversity.ac.id/2015/08/23/telkom-university-menempati-peringkat-2-publikasi-internasional/