The Offer for the Village Development Program (PHBD)
Following is The Offer of the Village Development Program (PHBD)
http: //belmawa.ristekdikti .go.id / dev / index.php / 2016/01/27 / bid-program-grant-bina-desa-phbd /
Number: 23 /B3.3/KM/2016 January 22, 2016
Attachment: 1 (one) file
Regarding: The Offer of the Village Development Program (PHBD)
1. State College Leadership in Student Affairs
2. Kopertis Region I Executive Secretary XIV
To foster a sense of caring for students to contribute to the community in the village, the Directorate of Student Affairs, the Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs, the Ministry of Research and Technology again offers to various forms of student organizations. The organizations are such as IOMS, Student Activity Units, and or Executive Board Students (BEM) to take part in the 2016 Village Development Program (PHBD). The program aims to provide opportunities for students to play an active role in development through community service programs.
Please for the head of the Regional Student Affairs and Kopertis Region I Executive Secretary, d. XIV to be able to submit PHBD offers to student organizations in their respective environments.
For student organizations who are interested in participating in the PHBD, they can propose pre-proposals through the page: http://phbd.dikti.go.id/ no later than March 27, 2016. Systematics of pre-proposal writing and other provisions can refer to the guide which can be downloaded via the page: belmawa.ristekdikti.go.id or http://phbd.dikti.go.id/.
For your kind attention and good cooperation, we thank you.
Director of Student Affairs
Didin Wahidin
Employee ID number: 196105191984031003