The Mena Indonesia Team School of Computing Telkom University Heading to Taiwan
Bandung, SOC –
Wednesday (11/06/2014) The School of Computing Telkom University released Team Mena’s departure to Taiwan. The release carried out in the Meeting Room of Building D of the School of Computing was attended by the Dean of the School of Computing, Dr. Maman Abdurohman, Vice Dean 1 School of Computing Dr. Adiwijaya, and Vice Dean 2 of the School of Computing Rimba Whidiana Ciptasari, Ph.D. and also a number of lecturers from the School of Computing.
The Mena Indonesia Team is a research team located at the School of Computing, Telkom University. Mena Indonesia, which stands for Medical Equipment and Application Indonesia, was established since the beginning of 2014 and focused on health technology research. The team, which was directly addressed by one of the lecturers of the School of Computing, Dody Qori Utama, began with a casual conversation between students and lecturers in the campus environment. “The beginning of the formation of the Mena Indonesia Team was due to chat at the Telkom University Business Center,” Dody said. Finally, the Mena Indonesia Team was formed which consisted of Masyithah Nur Aulia (IF 2013), Nanda Budi Prayuga (IF 2013), Annisa Riyani (IF 2013), and David Musthofa (IF 2013). “Mena Indonesia believes health technology is the future for the world and has a big vision of changing the world with health technology work for many people,” he continued.
Some of the works currently being worked on by Mena Indonesia are Brainstat New Edition, Mbrojol, Momment, Jatara, and MDCare New Edition. And with this Brainstat New Edition, the Indonesian Mena Team successfully passed the 2014 Asia Pacific Innoserve ICT Award Competition and headed for the Grand Final in Taiwan. Brainstat New Edition is a human error detection tool when driving a new adaptive fuzzy algorithm.
Innoserve is the Asia Pacific ICT Award Competition held in NTU Taiwan. The preliminary round has been held since July 2014 where the Team champions who are allowed to take part in Innoserve are the teams that have won the ICT Award in each country. From the preliminary round, 5 of the best grand finalists were chosen to compete in Taiwan on November 7-10 2014. Later in the Grand Final, Mena Indonesia’s team will face teams from Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and Macau (Special Region of China).
Good Luck Mena Indonesia Team …
Have a good fight…
All of our prayers, for Mena Indonesia, to glory in the World …
For photo galleries can be seen at: https://soc.telkomuniversity.ac.id/gallery/galeri-pelepasan/