The Change of Class and Practicum Schedule
Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb.
To all students and lecturers of Bachelor of Informatics Engineering and Computational Science, we inform you that there are some changes to the schedule and practical classes. This schedule can be used starting Thursday, September 1, 2016.
Info :
DAP : Basic of Algorithm and Programming
ASD IF : Data Structure of Informatics
PBD : Database Modelling
IMPAL : Software Implementation and Testing
JRK : Computer Network
JDS : Distributed Network and System
ASD CS : Data Structure of Computational Science
KNM : Numeric Computation
~ ASD IF-39-02 move to IFLAB5
~ ASD CS-39-02 move to IKLAB1
~ JRK IF-38-04 move to IFLAB1
~ KNM CS-39-04 move to IFLAB3
~ JDS CS-38-02 move to IFLAB4
~ DAP IF-39- INT from 15.30 IFLAB2 move to 14.00 IKLAB1
~ JRK IF-38-04 move to IFLAB1
~ IMPAL IF-38-09 move to IFLAB2
The most updated practicum schedules used are those shown in the picture above, not on igracias.
For Bachelor of Computational Sciences, start and finish hours for practicum are still following igracias.