The 1st Joint International Webinar [SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERIES]

The 1st Joint International Webinar [SOFTWARE ENGINEERING SERIES]

This webinar aims to share knowledge in Software Engineering.
By inviting expert speakers who have lots of experiences, participants are expected to be able to absorb the skills, tips, and tricks in the field of Software Engineering.

1. Dana Sulistiyo Kusumo, Ph.D | Head of Software Engineering Program Telkom University
2. Assoc.Prof.Ts.Dr.Shukor Sanim Mohd Fauzi | Deputy Rector Universiti Teknologi MARA Perlis Branch

Date and Time:
📆 Monday, 24 August 2020
⏰ 10.30-12.30 WIB / 11.30-13.30 MST



For Further Information:
Contact Us:
Jati Hilliamsyah +62 852-1950-5466

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