Tel-U School of Computing Innovation Products Enter 2015 University Mobile Challenge Final
Bandung, SOC – The Innovation Product of the School of Computing, Telkom University (Tel-U) successfully passed the final at the 2015 Mobile Challenge (UMC) event. It was Integrated Transportation Safety, an integrated transportation security system created to improve security in the public transportation system.
Integrated Safety Transportation was created by Telkom University Informatics Engineering lecturer Dody Qori Utama, ST., MT and his team, namely Annisa Riyani, Nanda Budi, Masyithah Nur, Febriana Sawitri, Alfian Akbar, David Mushthofa and Dr. Tauhid Nur Azhar, M. Kes, Ph.D. UMC 2015 is an annual competition organized by the Applied Innovation Institute. This year will take place on 2-5 March.
Integrated Transportation Safety, said Dody, is an integrated transportation security system where Brainstat is one of its parts. Integrated Transportation Safety conducts mapping and supervision of transportation conditions, including monitoring of the position of the vehicle, the condition of the vehicle engine and the condition of the driver. Brainstat is what works to oversee the condition of the driver, whether he is in a fit, sleepy, drunk, or stressed condition. Brainstat is the beginning of the development of Integrated Transportation Safety because Dody has been developing since 2010.
“Integrated Transportation Safety detects the position of the vehicle. Then it detects the condition of the vehicle and the condition of the driver. For example, the condition of the overheated engine, the driver is drowsy, or the vehicle’s position is misplaced, “Dody said, Monday (2/2). Then, said Dody, the information was sent to the server through radio frequency technology. Data is mapped to become an online Blackbox and facilitate monitoring.
“This online BlackBox can be applied in public transportation such as planes, trains, ships, buses, and cars. This makes it possible to detect anomalies before an accident and interruption occurs if there is a problem, “Dody said.
Integrated Transportation Safety will always experience technological development. In the future, Dody and the team plan to develop Integrated Transportation Safety to detect bad weather.
In the 2015 UMC final at Barcelona, Tel-U will compete with the world’s best campuses. From the United States, there are Pace University, UT Austin, MIT, and UC Berkeley. Besides, Tel-U will also compete with other universities such as University of Capetown, South Africa, University of Waterloo Canada, Nanyang Technical Singapore, and other international universities.
Obtained from www.telkomuniversity.ac.id