Submission of the Lecturer Certificate For School of Computing February 2017
Bandung, SOC The School of Computing held a lecturer certificate submission on Thursday (02/16/2017). The event which took place in the Work Room of the School of Computing Dean began at 14.00 Western Indonesia Time.
The certificate received by the School of Computing lecturers is a Lecturer Certificate which is the process of giving educator certificates to lecturers. This program is an effort to improve the quality of national education and improve the welfare of lecturers by encouraging lecturers to improve their professionalism continuously.
In this event the recipient of the certificate is:
- Amarilis Putri Yanuarifani
- Ibn Asror
- Kiki Maulana Adhinugraha
- Moch Arif Bijaksana
- Untari Novia Wisesty
- Rimba Whidiana Ciptasari
- Eko Darwiyanto
- Ema Rachmawati
- Florita Diana Sari
- Dede Tarwidi
In his remarks, the Dean of the School of Computing, Dr. Maman Abdurohman said that the submission of this Certificate was good news for the School of Computing. This is because the target of the Faculty makes all lecturers in the School of Computing have almost achieved lecturer certification. “I am happy with the submission of this lecturer certification. Because with this, the School of Computing’s target to make all its lecturers have lecturer certification will be achieved, “said Dr. Maman. “
In the event, Dr. Maman congratulated the recipients of the lecturer certification.
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