Submission of Decree in the School of Computing
Bandung , SOC – Thursday (10/30/2014) and Monday (03/11/2014) a Decision Letter was held in the Work Room of the School of Computing Dean. In the Submission of Decree at the School of Computing, Dean of the School of Computing, Dr. Maman Abdurohman said: “that the symbolic submission of the Decree which is always carried out is good news that indeed must be known by the academics of the School of Computing.” “Also, events like this can also be motivational triggers for lecturers and staff,” he continued. Don’t forget Mr. Maman Abdurohman congratulates the recipient of the Decree.
The recipients of the Decree are:
- Florita Diana Sari, S.S., M.Pd. receive Decision Letter on Equivalent Position Base
- received a Decision on Dismissal in Position as Head of the Informatics Engineering Study Program then appointed Br. Mochamad Arif Bijaksana, Ph.D. as Head of the Informatics Engineering Bachelor Program
- Bedy Purnama, S.Si., MT. received a Decision on Dismissal in his position as Secretary of the Informatics Engineering Study Program then appointed Br. Novian Anggis Suwastika, ST., MT. as Secretary of the Faculty of Informatics Bachelor Study Program
- Mediana Mayang Kancana, SE. receive Decree of Appointment of Responsible Person in the position of Head of the School of Computing Secretariat Affairs
- Fhira Nhita, ST., MT. receive the Decree of Appointment of the Responsible Person in the position of Head of Academic Affairs of the School of Computing
photo gallery Submission of Decree in the School of Computing: https://soc.telkomuniversity.ac.id/?p=2257