Smart City Bandung, Not Just a Dream

Smart City Bandung, Not Just a Dream

BANDUNG, SOC – Telkom University contributes to the development of Smart City Bandung. Participants are Dr. Maman Abdurohman (Dean of the School of Computing, Telkom University), Jangkung Raharjo (Director of Bandung Techno Park), Dr. Rina Pudji Astuti (Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Telkom University), and Dr. Helni Mutiarsih Jumhur (Faculty of Economics and Business). They were all representatives of Academia who were invited to be appointed as the Bandung Smart City Development Board Team at Panghegar Hotel, Friday (08/29/2014).

This Development Board will be tasked with designing the concept of technology-based Bandung development. According to Ridwan Kamil, Mayor of Bandung, “The Development Board was chosen from ABG elements, which are Academia, Business, and Government.”

“Smart City means that whatever technology is used in the city of Bandung to facilitate business,” continued Emil, Ridwan Kamil’s nickname. Shortly, the Development Board Team is chaired by the son of the third Republic of Indonesia President B.J. Habibie, Ilham Akbar Habibie will soon formulate a blueprint and the concept of the City of Bandung Smart City. “And in September, the draft will be synchronized with the 2015 Regional Budget”, he said.

Smart City must cover all sectors, such as transportation, health, education, and infrastructure. “The next step is to divide the working groups and make plans that focus on their respective fields and make final reports. We will see how it can be integrated into a comprehensive system,” Ilham said.

“This project is a public project, prioritized for public services and the sake of its citizens to improve the quality of life,” he continued. He targets so that the whole concept of planning can be completed this year. So that in 2015 the citizens of Bandung City can already feel the results. – LEN

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