Schedule and Class of IFLab Practicum 2016/2017
Assalamualaikum wr.wb.
It was informed to all students and lecturers of iflab practicum, that the schedule and practicum room had been re-synchronized with igracias, so that for further practicum it was hoped that there would be no more conflicts or iflab schedule differences with igracias. For Bachelor of Computational Sciences, theoretical classes can use practicum classes following an agreement made with the lecturer of the class course. This schedule applies permanently onwards.
Schedule of Monday-Thursday | Schedule of Friday-Saturday
- Monday :
~ ASD CS-39-04 from IFLAB5 to IKLAB2
~ JDS CS-38-01 from IFLAB5 to IKLAB2 - Tuesday :
~ JDS CS-38-04 from IFLAB1 to IKLAB2
~ KNM CS-39-02 from IFLAB2 to IKLAB1 - Wednesday :
~ ASD CS-39-03 from IFLAB3 to IKLAB1 - Thursday :
~ JDS CS-38-05 fromIFLAB5 to IKLAB2
~ JDS CS-38-03 from IFLAB5 to IKLAB1
- Friday :
~ ASD CS-39-01 from IFLAB3 to IKLAB2
~ KNM CS-39-03 from IFLAB5 to IKLAB1
~ KNM CS-39-04 from IFLAB3 to IKLAB1
~ JDS CS-38-02 from IFLAB4 to IKLAB2
~ DAP IF-39- INT from IKLAB1 to IFLAB3
For the attention of Mr / Mrs and friends, we thank you.