Open Recruitment for Laboratory Assistant of Informatics Lab 16/17
[Open recruitment]
Recruitment of the 2016 Informatics Lab Laboratory Assistant was opened. Please read the terms for friends who are interested in becoming the 2016/2017 Informatics Lab Laboratory Assistant. The deadline for filing requirements is no later than Saturday, May 14, 2016, at 23:00 IFLAB Time.
If you have questions, you can PM to Lab Assistant (Rizal Purwosaputro, Dony Arisandy Wiranata, Dionysius Randhu Agashi, Yusuf Anugrah Putra Aditama)
Who will be the next?
more info : http://bit.ly/docscalonaslab1617
IFLab Lab Assistant
cc : Febryanti Sthevanie, Oku Dewi Noviyantika Putri