The School of Computing Provides Articulate-Based Interactive Learning Training for Teachers of Dayeuhkolot 1 Public High School

The School of Computing Provides Articulate-Based Interactive Learning Training for Teachers of Dayeuhkolot 1 Public High School

Dayeuhkolot 1 Public High School is one of the State High Schools in Bandung Regency and the only Public High School in the Dayeuhkolot area. Dayeuhkolot 1 Public High School was placed at Jalan Sukapura Number 99, Sukapura, Dayeuhkolot, Bandung, West Java. Its location adjacent to the Telkom University area makes Dayeuhkolot 1 Public High School can be reached on foot for approximately 15 minutes from Telkom University.

As one of the public institutions that deal with education issues, of course, Dayeuhkolot 1 Public High School must be ready to face the challenges of the current era of globalization. With the development of science and technology, the current learning process has begun to use technology that facilitates the learning process. One of them is the use of presentation slides in delivering classroom learning. By using presentation slides, it is expected that students can more easily understand the material in class. Because by using presentation slides, we can add other media such as images, sounds, and videos to be displayed as illustrations in the learning process. But this is another challenge for Dayeuhkolot 1 Public High School, especially the teachers and fathers to make interactive and communicative presentation slides.

Uninteresting and less communicative presentation slides cause students to feel bored and difficult to accept material quickly. This will undoubtedly affect the learning process. For this reason, it is expected that the implementation of interactive and communicative in the making of slide training will be able to improve the productivity of the learning process at Dayeuhkolot 1 Public High School.

Telkom University through their Period 2 Internal Funds Community Service grant in 2018 has funded training activities for teachers in exact Dayeuhkolot 1 Public High School in developing teaching content (interactive presentations) using articulate software embedded in Microsoft PowerPoint on January 25th-26th, 2019. The following is a training team of interactive teaching content development using Articulate Software embedded in Microsoft PowerPoint:

  1. Satria Mandala, Ph.D. (Chief Executive)
  2. Annisa Aditsania, S.Si., M.Si (Member-Lecturer)
  3. Okta Gusmianto Rivelino (Training Assistant-Student)
  4. Gatot Primaulida Saputro (Training Assistant-Student)
  5. Ronald Tulus (Training Assistant-Student)

The results of the feedback indicated that this activity is a great activity because it has a feedback score range of 4, with the percentage of Agree + Strongly Agree amounting to 98.75%.

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