Milestone pencapaian Visi Fakultas Informatika 2018
A milestone in achieving the 2018 School of Computing Vision

The 2014-2018 School of Computing Development Strategic Plan aims to bring and realize a world-class School of Computing that plays an active role in the development of information technology-based Computing science in four stages and focuses on activities that include:

  1. 2014 : Governance Excellence, focused on Standardization processes and governance. This condition is achieved through the program: Revision and Documentation of Operational Standards and Procedures for the entire process, ongoing Internal Audit Activities,
  2. 2015 : Academic Excellence, focused on improving the quality of the learning process and the internationalization of education. The preparation of a new international standard curriculum accompanied by the development of learning methods is a keyword at this stage. Through this stage, it is targeted that there will be an increase in international students, student exchanges and various collaborations with Foreign Universities (especially in the field of learning),
  3. 2016 : Research Excellence, focused on building international research collaboration. This can be realized by carrying out various activities to improve the quality and talent of the academic community in the Research field. With the existence of adequate Human Resources, the School of Computing can strengthen the research network through joint research activities with international institutions,
  4. 2017 : Global Networking, focused on building extensive cooperation in the international world with various universities abroad. This collaboration is intended to improve access and quality of the School of Computing process.
  5. 2018 : Global Recognition, focused on enhance brand and strengthen competitiveness internationally.Achievement at this stage is an accumulation of preparations from 3 of the previous steps, so that at this stage strengthening, alignment and development of the stages of Governance Excellence, Academic Excellence and Research Excellence will be carried out. Global Recognition is indicated through increasing international citations to the results of research conducted by the academic community of the School of Computing, Telkom University.