Pulse Team of The School of Computing Becomes the Runner Up Telemedicine Innovation Challenge

Pulse Team of The School of Computing Becomes the Runner Up Telemedicine Innovation Challenge

Bandung, SOCTelkom university again shows its fangs as one of the best universities in Indonesia. Pulse Team, which is a Telkom University delegation to the Telemedicine Innovation Challenge in Malaysia, won the Runner Up position in the competition. Pulse Team consists of a supervisor, Mr. Satria Mandala, and 5 students: Muhammad Alif Akbar, Dede Kiswanto, Shamila, Faida Esti Pambudi, and Masyithah Nur Aulia, all of whom come from the School of Computing.

The competition was held from 16-18 August 2016 at the Swan Convention Center-Sunway Medical Center, Malaysia. This competition was attended by more than 100 teams from various countries and was attended by doctors and health experts from all over the world.

To get to Malaysia, this team must pass a series of selection processes. First, online selection takes the form of sending ideas in the form of abstracts. Then 20 best teams were selected who received funding for implementation and competed in the final round. Before making a live presentation in Malaysia, the team must first send posters and videos showing the tools created and explain their use. In Malaysia, the escaping team will present their ideas in front of a jury consisting of doctors, lecturers in the fields of telemedicine and technology, as well as some officials at multinational scale companies such as Microsoft. All teams that qualify will also be given a booth to showcase their work to those conference visitors.

The products offered by this team are called Heart. The heart is a combination of hardware & software that can be used to monitor a person’s heart condition and give a warning if a heart abnormality is detected in the user. The heart uses a pulse sensor to get a person’s heart rate and detect the occurrence of PAC (Premature Atrial Contraction) in the user, which is one indication of a heart abnormality. It is expected that after the user gets a notification regarding the condition of his heart, he can immediately check-up to the doctor.

Notifications are given not only to users but also to relatives and doctors as a preventive step when at any time the user needs help. This application will be better used for patients after surgery because the presence of PAC on the user at that time will be more dangerous when compared to only healthy users.

This application will continue to be developed, both in terms of hardware and software. The judges present also seemed enthusiastic about the application offered by Pulse Team. Some judges even offered cooperation to develop products. They assess the apps that are built are very potential and useful. The judges much appreciated the tool and hoped it could continue to be developed. Through this competition, innovations will be expected to continue to deliver benefits to the world.