Social Media Smart Counseling
This community service is a “Social Media Smart Counseling” program carried out by the IUM-7 team consisting of students and lecturers. The students who took part in this activity were Fahmi Razan Ramdani, Yurridho Rustie, Mikogizka Satria K., Djalu Ahmad Yudhistira, and Firsta Daffa Bintang W, while the mentor lecturer was Bambang Ari W., MT. . In this activity, we will socialize to the target community about education in social media. This outreach activity consisted of counseling as well as making and installing posters in the target community areas. The target community where the community service is located is Jl. Gumuruh Rt: 05 Rw: 08 Gumuruh Village, Batununggal District, Bandung City.
For the “Social Media Smart Counseling” activity, it will be held on:
Name of Activity : Smart counseling on social media
Location : Online Meeting
Time : January 4, 2022
The advantage of this activity is that we want residents to be able to minimize the spread of false information or hoaxes on social media that can cause panic and chaos in the community. Many cases of hate speech can provoke the anger of others and lead other people’s opinions to hate a thing and the spread of privacy can lead to fraud and put the victim’s life in danger. In addition, we also want to minimize the occurrence of cyber bullying on social media which can cause mental disturbances for victims. In addition to hoaxes and cyber bullying, the rise of online fraud during this pandemic has become an important problem in society.