Website Development as a Means of Promotion and Digitization of Haruman Arjasari Campground Tourism
Haruman Campground is a tourist area in the South Bandung area, which offers agro-tourism and eco-tourism. This Campground was founded in 2017, and still not many people are familiar with this tourist area. This is due to the absence of information media and publications that are able to provide a comprehensive overview of this tourist area. Buper Haruman actually has the potential of interesting and exotic natural resources, because it is located in the mountains with a view of the city of Bandung. Besides that, Buper Haruman also has good potential for human resources, because it is dominated by the younger generation who are familiar with digital technology. In this case, it is necessary to have this potential empowerment program to answer the existing problems.
The abdimas team carries out several programs, namely website development www.buperharuman.com, website content enrichment workshops, digital marketing planning workshops, website management workshops, and providing quality content enrichment infrastructure. It is hoped that after receiving this training, the Fragrant Campground can further increase exposure, as well as increase the number of visitors. In addition, this community service program can also increase the participation of lecturers and students to the community and transfer technology from Telkom University to partner communities.