The Best Faculty of Informatics in Indonesia Chooses Telkom University
One of the best Faculties of Informatics in Indonesia is Telkom University. Because, it already has accreditation from within and outside the country.
One of the most popular majors in 2022 is Informatics Engineering. The best Faculty of Informatics in Indonesia has received recognition from many parties, namely Telkom University. Nowadays, the development of technology is advancing rapidly, so it requires professional personnel.
Best Faculty of Informatics in Indonesia 2022
Still confused about choosing a college major? You can choose the best Faculty of Informatics in Indonesia. One of the considerations for taking this study program is the breadth of job opportunities. So that after graduation, you are not confused about finding a job. One of the best Informatics Faculties that you can choose from is Telkom University. This study program has received an A accreditation from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education. This is in accordance with the decree from BAN PT number 0054 of 2016 on January 29, 2016. The curriculum in this study program is designed to have a total load of 145 credits with a study duration of 4 years. In addition, this study program has a Research Group consisting of lecturers who have competencies and expertise, including:
- Intelligence, Computing and Multimedia.
- System Information and Data Engineering.
- Telematics.
In addition, the faculty already has a laboratory that supports the learning process. Existing laboratories include:
Laboratories for production purposes
Laboratories for research
Informatics Engineering Department Facts
Here are some facts about the Informatics Engineering department, including:
Big Salary
Of course, all graduates who are still new have the desire to get a large salary. This major is suitable for those of you who crave a big salary. However, keep in mind that the amount of salary differs depending on the size, experience and ability at work.
It Doesn’t Have to Be Smart Math
Does studying in the Informatics Engineering department have to be smart in mathematics? Don’t be too burdened, because basically you don’t have to be smart at doing math. Mathematics lessons in this department tend to discuss logic problems and train coding logic.
Many people think that this major is mostly done by introverts. This is not far from the reason because most activities are done by yourself. That’s not entirely true. Students of this major need high concentration and accuracy when coding. So often work in quieter places. The best Faculty of Informatics in Indonesia ensures that it has complete facilities, ranging from quality lecturers to accreditation.