Community Service – Making a Web-based Application Reporting Deposits Memorizing SMP Binar Ilmu, Bandung
On November 16, 2021, community service activities (pengmas) have been carried out which were initiated by Mr. Isman Kurniawan (Lecturer of the Faculty of Informatics, Telkom University) with community partners targeting SMP Binar Ilmu, Bandung. SMP Binar Ilmu is a pesantren-based school that has various excellent programs in the field of Islamic boarding school and the development of interests and talents. Community service activities carried out at Binar Ilmu Middle School are in the form of making a web-based application to help report online memorization deposits. Previously, the process of reporting rote deposits at SMP Binar Ilmu was still done manually. Therefore, the application was made as a solution to overcome the main obstacle faced by SMP Binar Ilmu, namely limitations in the implementation of information technology in school operations. Not only making applications, SMP Binar Ilmu is also equipped with training to be able to use applications to automatically recapitulate student data. With the implementation of this activity, it is hoped that the process of supervising and monitoring student memorization can be carried out more effectively and efficiently.