Announcement of Final IFLAB Practicum Assistant Even Semester 2017
We congratulate you on joining the IFLAB family. For those who have not escaped, do not be discouraged because there are still opportunities at a later time. Passion !! The names that qualify as IFLAB practicum assistant can be seen in the following link:
Academic Clinic Even Semester 2016/2017
We, from the School of Computing, especially the Informatics Laboratory in collaboration with the Informatics Student Association, opened an Academic Clinic that aims to help colleagues to better understand the material of some subjects, among others: Calculus I, Calculus II, Basic Computing Programming Algorithms for Computational Science, Basic Informatics Programming Algorithms for Informatics, and Data […]
Change in Practicum Room
It was informed that there were some changes to the practicum room for the class with the lecturer Ms. Rita Rismala (RSM). The new schedule is valid from Monday, February 6, 2017. Thank you for your attention.
Follow-up Assessment 1 and 2 Basic Programming Algorithms and Data Structures Courses for Informatics
Notified to students of Basic Programming Algorithms and Data Structures Courses for Informatics that did not have time to take assessment 1 and 2, that the followings of assessments 1 and 2 will be held on Saturday, March 11, 2017. For students who want to take part in the program, they are expected to immediately […]
Post-Mid-Semester Exams Practicum
We from the School of Computing Laboratory inform our colleagues that the Even Semester practicum for the 2016/2017 Post-Semester Year Academic Year will begin at: – March 20, 2017 1. Basics of the Engineering Algorithm Practicum for Bachelor of Informatics 2. Basics of the Algorithm Practicum for Bachelor of Computational Sciences – March 27, 2017 […]
Infographic of Academic Clinic
Still confused with academic clinics? Following is a further explanation of the Academic Clinic. If there are still those who want to be asked, please contact us through email: facebook: / informaticslaboratory or friends can ask directly in the lab assistant room, Building F, 3rd floor.
The Results of 2017/2018 Informatics Laboratory Assistant Recruiting
Congratulations to the names of those who have been selected as assistant informatics laboratories for the 2017/2018 term. Hopefully, the chosen laboratory assistants can carry out the mandate well. For names that have not been chosen, do not be discouraged, they are still awaiting their contribution to the informatics laboratory
Odd Semester Practicum Assistant Recruitment for 2017/2018 Academic Year
Hey fellas! This is what you’ve been waiting for! Informatics Lab provides an opportunity for you, Bachelor / Bachelor Extension students in Informatics Engineering and Computational Sciences to take part in the selection as a 2017/2018 Odd Semester practical assistant. More information is found at the following link: Signed, 2017/2018 IFLab Assistant with “Love” […]
We from the School of Computing Laboratory inform our colleagues that the Odd Semester Academic Year 2017/2018 practicum activities will begin in the 2nd week of the Lecture, which is on August 28, 2017, according to each schedule. The 2nd-week agenda is Pre-Practicum (Running Module) and MUST be attended by all students who take courses […]
We, from the Informatics Laboratory, inform our colleagues that the 2017/2018 Odd Semester practicum will begin in the 2nd week of the Lecture, which is on August 28, 2017, according to the schedule of each. The 2nd-week agenda is Pre-Practicum (Running Module) and MUST be attended by all students who take courses in practice. Thank […]