Call for papers 2021 Indonesia Journal of Computing (Indo-JC). ISSN: 2460-9056
Indo-JC is accredited by the Ministry for Research, Technology and Higher Education of Indonesia (RISTEKDIKTI) (No:21/E/KPT/2018) with a score of SINTA 4.
Indo-JC is an open access scientific journal bringing together researchers and practitioners of Computing with an acceptance rate of 50.6%
Our focus are (but not limited to):
-Networks, Security, and Computer System
-Software Engineering
-Theory of Computation and Computing Methodologies
-Information System
-Human-Centered Computing and Applied Computing
Indo-JC publishes three volumes annually; in March, September, and December.
the deadline of submission:
-vol. in March: February 20, 2021
-vol. in September: August 20, 2021
-vol. in December: November 20, 2021
We really look forward to your submission to Indo-JC.
Now, we only accept papers in English. If you need to translate your paper, we encourage you to use English Translation Service from the Language Center of Telkom University.
Indo-JC is published by School of Computing, Telkom University, Indonesia
cp: 082115409991 (Aulia)