August 2014 School of Computing Student Graduation

August 2014 School of Computing Student Graduation


To all School of Computing graduates/graduates
On Saturday, August 16, 2014
who was the first graduate since the establishment of the School of Computing

Student Graduation List

No.Student Identity No.MajorName
11103070006Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringSUKMA AJI TRIATMOJO
21103070012Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringYOHANES A PUTRADY
31103070014Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringOKI BUDI PRAKOSO
41103070025Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringAHMAD MUHSIN K
51103071049Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringEVA NURHAZIZAH
61103071052Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringVIEDYAH HUTAMI P
71103071056Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringADITYA SHERATAN KAMESYWARA
81103080004Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringAGIEL HIDAYATULLAH
91103080024Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringCHANDRA MAHENDRA P
101103080030Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringRAHMADIAN IKHSANUL H
111103080051Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringFARIS HARISH H
121103080054Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringMANPERTA NEGARA S
131103080057Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringRIZALDY AKHMAD
141103080065Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringDELLIA M P PUTRI
151103080076Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringTRIA F M
161103080077Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringYOLANDA TRINOVERLY
171103081083Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringHARYO SETO
181103081085Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringHILMAN IBNU ASSIDDIQ
191103081088Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringRYAN NOVERIAND RAWHA
201103081093Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringAMRIANSYAH
211103081095Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringNOVIANTO NUGROHO
221103081106Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringHAFFIZ ANUGRAGIRI
231103090007Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringALDINDHA OCTA AIRLANGGA
241103090014Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringALDIO EGAR PRATAMA
251103090071Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringLINA ROSMALIA
261103090099Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringAULIA HUSNI N.A.I
271103090113Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringRIDWAN SAPUTRA
281103090123Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringDWI CAHYO NUGROHO
291103090130Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringRENY RENATA Y
301103090133Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringNURUL FATHUL
311103090137Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringIMANIAR RAMADHANI
321103090149Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringDWI YULIANTO
331103091151Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringAPRI FAJAR KURNIAWAN
341103091158Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringRUSDI MUSTAQIIM
351103091165Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringYURICHO BILLY
361103091179Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringDZAKI IRYANTO
371103091180Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringI DEWA GEDE WIRA PUTRA
381103100013Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringOKKY DWIANA WIBOWO
391103100038Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringANDRE SITOMPUL
401103100041Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringLUGINA MUHAMMAD
411103100048Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringFAIZUL HAMDI
421103100062Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringPRASETYO ADI WIBOWO
431103100072Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringREZA FEBRIALDY YUWONO
441103100079Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringDODDY TRI AGUNG
451103100082Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringISMA RAMADHANI SUNUSI
461103100085Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringRIO EDUARDO BANGKIT GIDEON
471103100090Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringRATIH AFLITA RAHMAWATI
481103100091Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringM SHIDDIQ AZIS
491103100092Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringREZA AKHMAD GANDARA
501103100101Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringFARIS ALFA MAULUDY
511103100103Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringFARUDI ERWANDA
521103101130Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringGILANG AKBAR RIZKYAN
531103104176Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringROSA LESTARI FARDANI
541103118272Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringRIZQI AFDHANI
551103128337Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringDESI KURNIASARI
561103128346Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringOKU DEWI NOVIYANTIKA PUTRI
571103128347Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringTIA WICAKSONO
581103128350Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringZENDY FAMEIDO P
591103128366Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringIVAN WILLY ARTDIAN
601107090011Bachelor of Informatics EngineeringANNISA CAHYA ANGGRAENI
611107090014Bachelor of Computational SciencesMUHAMMAD QALBIE T
621107090015Bachelor of Computational SciencesAHMAD KHAIRAN
631107090019Bachelor of Computational SciencesAJIE TRI HUTAMA
641107091063Bachelor of Computational SciencesLUH GDE MEIRISKA RAE MADHITA
651107100030Bachelor of Computational SciencesNUR RAHMAWATI
661107100031Bachelor of Computational SciencesPRANEDYA ALDIS SATRIYA
671107100035Bachelor of Computational SciencesMOKHAMAD FAJAR KURNIAWAN
681107100054Bachelor of Computational SciencesADELIN RUTH
691107104077Bachelor of Computational SciencesTAUFIQ OKTA PRATAMA PUTRA

Gallery Photo Details can be seen at: