Dr. Mettina Veenstra Visit, headed for World Class University

Dr. Mettina Veenstra Visit, headed for World Class University

Bandung , SOC – In realizing Indonesia’s vision of being a developed country in 2025, Telkom University also plays a role in improving the quality of national education, wherein 2017 Telkom University intends to reach a world-class university.

In line with this, one factor is the focus of strengthening international cooperation. During this week, starting on Sunday, November 1, 2014, to November 5, 2014, Telkom University received a visit from Saxion University, the Netherlands, which was represented by Dr. Mettina Veenstra.

Dr. Mettina is a Professor in the field of Media Technology Design. A woman who completed her Ph.D. from the University of Groningen has a focus on research in the field of ICT in public space. His motto is “I bring the passion for public spaces.”

During his visit this time, Dr. Mettina visited 5 Faculties under Telkom University. Starting on the first day, meeting with Telkom University Chancellor, Dean of the School of Creative Industries, and Head of Textile and Fashion Design Major. In the meeting discussed the possibility of cooperation between Telkom University and Saxion University. The forms of collaboration include student exchanges between the two Universities, increasing the qualifications of lecturers through Doctoral education and joint research.

The next day, around 8:00 a.m., Dr. Mettina, accompanied by Florita, one of the School of Computing lecturers conducted a campus tour using a bicycle. The tour route starts from Building D around the School of Computing building, the Dormitory building, the Faculty of Economics and Business building, Bandung Techno Park then ends at Lake. Not forgetting at each stopover, Dr. Mettina and Florita capture it in every photo.

The day’s program was not finished. Dr. Mettina is scheduled to attend the class as a Guest Star in English courses. When students are introduced to Dr. Mettina, they look enthusiastic. Especially with the learning system applied by Florita to answer the questions that have been drawn before, it seems that all students try to look their best. Coupled with the questions given by Dr. Mettina makes students more confident because they have experience practicing English directly with foreign speakers.

The next day, Dr. Mettina still surrounds the faculties of Telkom University. The day’s schedule includes discussions with the Management of Telkom’s Applied Science School and International Office. It was stated that the two universities must strengthen the network in the face of globalization. Especially in 2015 with the existence of the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA), Telkom University needed to improve its institutions, for example by increasing foreign language skills, as well as student achievements in the international arena.

The last day of the visit, Dr. Mettina, filled with public lectures attended by undergraduate and post-graduate students from the Faculty of Industrial Engineering and the School of Computing. The program continued with lunch with the Dean of the School of Computing, followed by sharing research. On this occasion, Dr. Mettina shares her experience in ICT research. Dr. Mettina explores how technology or ICT can contribute in the public space. For example, how public screens used in libraries, tourism, and shopping in the city center can create more meaningful and exciting public spaces.

Dr. Mettina visit shows the persistence of Telkom University to realize its vision as a world-class educational institution. Support of various universities is a strengthening of institutional networks through international cooperation channels. The offer of cooperation given can be utilized as much as possible to improve the position of Telkom University in the eyes of the world.