Community Service in SMP Binar Ilmu, Bandung
We have performed a community service activity in SMP Binar Ilmu located in Jl. Pondok Buahbatu, Desa Mekarmanik, Kecamatan Cimenyan, Kabupaten Bandung. This school was established in 2017 as a part of CSR funding of Tunas Unggul Boarding School. Before the establishment of the school, the teenagers who live around the location rarely continue the study because of the distance to the nearest school if far. This affects the high cost of transportation for going to school. Hence, the establishment of the school can help teenagers to continue their studies without worrying about the transportation cost.
However, this school still has problems related to information and technology facilities. Here, we concern about one of the problems regarding the necessity to have a website for information and promotional purposes. The lack of a website makes the school miss the opportunity to create a more massive promotion. Hence, we help the school by designing and creating the school website as a part of our community service. We also provided the computer facilities to make it possible for the school to maintain the website.
On 6 November 2020, we come to school to give the website resources and computer to indicate the accomplishment of the activity. A small ceremony was held to give the opportunity to students to appreciate this activity. Dr. Dadang Suhendar as a school principal gives a high appreciation to our service community activity because the support is very needed by the school. Also, the student gives an art performance to welcome our visitation. We hope to continue our collaboration with the school to spread the benefit to the community. (IKN)