16 Lecturers of the School of Computing receive Permanent Employee and Permanent Employee Candidates Decrees.
Bandung , SOC – . Friday (12/09/2014), the School of Computing carried out the submission of Decree for 16 lecturers of the School of Computing. The event was submitted directly by the Dean of the School of Computing, Dr. Maman Abdurohman, and took place in his office began at 9:00.
The lecturers who received the Decree were:
Permanent employee
- Amarilis Putri Y.; 7. Febryanti Sthevanie;
- Anditya Arifianto; 8. Irma Palupi;
- Bambang Ari W.; 9. Izzatul Ummah;
- Catur Wirawan W.; 10. Kurniawan Nur R.;
- Dede Tarwidi; 11. Mira Kania;
- Dody Qory U.; 12. Rita Rismala.
Permanent Employee Candidates
- Ady Purna K;
- Danang Triantoro M;
- Dawam Dwi J;
- Veronikha Effendy.
In his remarks, the Dean of the School of Computing said that the lecturers/recipients of the Decree were more motivated to move forward. “Do not be afraid to do research, more research into the future, considering that Informatics is targeting to open Doctoral programs and international classes too soon.” Not to forget the Dean of the School of Computing congratulated all the recipients of the Decree. ^LeN