Telkom University Student Team Won 2nd Place at APICTA 2021 Malaysia
BANDUNG, Telkom University – The Telkom University student team won 2nd place at the Asia Pacifics ICT Awards (APICTA 2021 Malaysia). APICTA is an international ICT competition in the Asia Pacific region. 16 countries participated in this competition.
The Telkom University student team led by Miftah Shidqi Rabbani – IF 2018, Nabila Rifqayani Ilham – MBTI 2018, M Arif Putra Hermawan – FTE 2017 and guided by Lecturer Satria Mandala won 2nd place at the Asia Pacifics ICT Awards (APICTA 2021 Malaysia), with His work is the Sihedaf Application (Stroke Detector Clock Application).