History of the Informatics Faculty

Manajemen Informatika

The Faculty of Informatics started as an Informatics Engineering S1 study program under the Telkom College of Technology (STT Telkom) which was established in 1992. The Department of Informatics changed to the Faculty of Informatics when STT Telkom changed to the Telkom Institute of Technology (IT Telkom) in 2007. Telkom The University was founded in 2013 with Informatics as one of the faculties in it. The Faculty of Informatics consists of five study programs, namely S1 Informatics Engineering, S1 Information Technology, S1 Software Engineering, S1 PJJ Informatics and S2 Informatics Engineering. The combination of the five study programs is a challenge in terms of unifying the management system and cultural equality. Apart from the challenges mentioned above,

The development of the Faculty of Informatics is part of improving the quality of national education which is one of the efforts to support the achievement of the Master Plan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesian Economic Development 2011-2025 (MP3EI) in creating a generation of people who have the competence to compete with other nations. As well as supporting the Strategic Plan of Telkom University in order to achieve the Vision to become a world-class university that plays an active role in the development of science and art based on information technology in four stages, namely: governance excellence, academic management excellence, academic resources excellence, and academic quality excellence,In line with that, the Faculty of Informatics is determined to become a world-class faculty that excels in education, research, and entrepreneurship in the field of informatics and computers that are beneficial to society and play an active role in increasing the nation’s competitiveness in 2023.

The Faculty of Informatics is one of the seven faculties within the Telkom University with a scientific focus in the field of Informatics/Computing which is the back-bone for the field of ICT ( Information and Communication Technology ). In the development of ICT in the end all forms of information sent (Data, Voice, Television Broadcast, Radio) will be in the form of Digital and IP-based. The growth of Internet users and mobile subscribers is an indication that the ICT field will become a sunrise in the era of globalization.

The Faculty of Informatics has set 5 stages in the 2019-2023 Strategic Plan which include: digital learning ecosystem, academic excellence, research excellence, national entrepreneurial excellence, and global entrepreneurial excellence .  Each stage will be based on Telkom University values, namely Harmony, Excellent Integrity (HEI) to ensure a solid foundation in realizing the vision of the Faculty of Informatics in 2023.

Dean’s history

Dr. Z.K. Abdurahman Baizal, S.Si., M.Kom

( Periode 1 Des 2019-Sekarang)

Prof. Dr. Maman Abdurohman, S.T., M.T

( Periode 2014-2019)

Ir. Sri Widowati., M.T

( Periode 2010-2013)

Fazmah Arif Yilianto, S.T., M.T

(2008 – 2009 : Ketua Departemen Teknik Informatika, ITTelkom)
(2009 – 2010 : Dekan Fakultas Informatika, ITTelkom.)
(Periode 2013-2014) : Ketua Departemen Informatika, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Telkom

Dhinta Darmantoro , S.T., M.T

Periode sampai -2008