The Faculty of Informatics, in this case KK Software Engineering, on Thursday, November 18, 2021, held community service activities. The training provided is in the form of using interactive learning tools for teachers at SDN Ciganitri 1. This activity is one of the Community Service programs from the Lecturer Team of the Faculty of Informatics, namely Veronicha Effendy, ST, MT, Dr. Mira Kania Sabariah, MT, and Danang Junaedi, MT In its implementation, this activity also involved several students from the Faculty of Informatics.
The background of this activity is the condition of the partners, in this case SDN Ciganitri 1. SDN Ciganitri 1 is one of the SDN located in the vicinity of Telkom University. SDN Ciganitri 1 does not yet have competence in the use of learning tools to support interactive learning. These problems are increasingly felt during the Covid19 pandemic, where the entire learning process must run online and learning activities are required to be interactive. Understanding the material is easy for students to understand when it is presented interactively. Based on this, the training to make training on the use of interactive learning tools was held.
This training activity was carried out offline by implementing the Covid-19 prevention health protocol. The location of the training at IFLab3 Faculty of Informatics Gd. South Kultubai Lt. 3 Jl. Telecommunications No.1 Ters. Bandung Stone Fruit. This activity was attended by 12 teachers of SDN Ciganitri 1. The number of participants was limited by adjusting the Covid-19 prevention protocol.
In this training, material is given on how to make storyboards as a start to be able to produce interactive learning concepts. Furthermore, material on the use of Canva tools to implement storyboards that have been made into interactive learning media is given. In the training, modules and assistance were also provided when creating interactive learning media directly, according to the teaching materials taught by the teachers of SDN Ciganitri 1 who attended this training.
This training is expected to be a means to improve the skills of teaching staff in carrying out online learning activities. With the availability of interactive learning media, it is expected to improve the quality of learning so that students can more easily understand the material, be more motivated when studying the material and get more optimal results. Based on the survey results, the teacher stated that this activity was as needed in preparing teaching materials, but the time given was still lacking. Teachers hope to receive training again to continue in-depth discussions of the material that has been delivered in this training and training related to editing learning videos.